Based on the information announced by the official Twitter of PUBG Mobile, Tencent is currently working on yet another Team Death Match map, which would be deployed into the live server of PUBG Mobile very soon. They have announced about this event in a recent twitter post. As TDM mode is getting more and more popular by the day, looks like its about time that they add more into the arsenal so that more people would be drawn to it.

According to the 10-second teasers from the developers, the development process of the new map is nearly finished – and they want the player base to decide its theme. Below is an image of the tweet. The Reddit post is on

Get to the official Reddit post to submit your own ideas for the theme of the upcoming map

Furthermore, the developers also mentioned a few more things in the official Reddit post for this map. After seeing the popularity of TDM mode and players’ excitement when The Warehouse and The Ruins were released, in the future, the developers would be spending more time working on TDM.

The previous Ruins map was very similar to the Dust 2 map in Counter-Strike

Currently, they are in need of ideas and it is best that players contribute theirs if possible. Below is a general sketch of the map they have been working on:

A general sketch for the design of the map, which looked like PUBG Mobile's version of COD's Killhouse

Currently, there are neither name nor a release date for this map, however, it is expected to get a release date in the next 0.16.0 update for PUBG Mobile. Interested in more of our articles related to PUBG Mobile? Please check out this post for a master guide of Miramar.