PUBG Mobile Season 16 has already kicked off and now it’s time for everyone to beef up the in-game stats, such as the win rate or K/D ratio. Here’re some ways to earn more kills and fewer deaths counted in the ongoing ranked season.

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1. Do NOT team up with random players
Simply put, it’s highly unlikely that random teammates will land with you or even support you on the battlefield as expected. Given that you have to face off against a well-organized squad of players without any teammate, the probability of surviving is nowhere to be found. Instead, let’s be a part of such squads and push your K/D rate to higher levels.

2. Be careful with 'hot drops'
In PUBG Mobile, a 'hot drop' is where you can easily stumble upon good loot, so it’s evident that not only you but also several enemies would land in these special locations, resulting in a high risk of getting killed in exchange for some weapons in the early stage.

3. Playing different maps
There’re four different maps in PUBG Mobile, including Vikendi, Sanhok, Miramar, and Erangel 2.0, which come bundled with unique features and quirks. The map that suits your playstyle could be another’s loophole and vice versa – just try out all the maps and figure out both advantages and disadvantages for yourself. No need to say, you’ll get more understanding of the maps and boost your overall K/D ratio in PUBG Mobile Season 16 with ease.

4. Say ‘NO’ to unnecessary rush gameplay
Well, you’re better off thinking about a sudden rush into enemy squads without preparation. Why? Another guy could be camping or hiding somewhere else rather than just giving you a chance to attack his teammates, and you’re simply exposing yourself to all of them.

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