Team Deathmatch in PUBG Mobile and Clash Squad in Free Fire are the two most exciting close-range PvP game modes. Which game mode is better? Let's compare and choose the better game mode to improve your shooting skill.

Weapons And Loadouts

In Free Fire Clash Squad, players need to level up, win rounds and purchase better weapons, from pistols to SMGs, ARs, and other weapons. It's pretty like the gun game and TMD modes in PUBG Mobile because you can use all weapons in the game without having to loot.

Free Fire CS players need to purchase weapons.

However, Free Fire players have to win and get money to upgrade weapons in CS mode. However, PUBG Mobile players need to level up in TDM mode to unlock more weapons in the TDM Loadout. The higher level you reach, the better weapons you can use.

PUBG Mobile players have to rank up in the TDM mode to unlock better weapons.

Rule And Gameplay

In both these game modes, eight players are divided into two teams. In Clash Squad mode, you will have seven rounds to fight. The team winning more rounds will get Booyah. However, in TDM mode, you will fight and spawn until one team makes 40 kills first.

In CS mode, you will be not respawned in one round when the enemy finishes you. However, in PUBG Mobile, you will be respawned unlimitedly until a team wins the game.

Fight Until One Team Makes 40 Kills.

Playing Zone And Map

Free Fire CS Mode takes place in large areas on two maps, including Bermuda and Kalahari. Meanwhile, TDM Mode takes place on a smaller map named Warehouse. It's an exclusive map designed for this game mode only.

Warehouse Map is an exclusive map for TDM mode.

In PUBG Mobile TDM mode, there is no blue zone. It takes place on a fixed map Arena. However, the CS mode in Free Fire takes place on a small part of the classic map. It also has a shrinking zone over periods.