PUBG Mobile’s latest 0.19.0 update was just released yesterday on global servers, bringing a great number of new features. With the new Livik map take over everyone’s mind, a lot of people do not really notice a new event called “Unranked Classic” that is going to kickstart the next ranking season.

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Ranked matches are really competitive in PUBG Mobile - Any free ranking points would be welcome

What is the Unranked Classic Mode?

By completing a number of tasks every day, players would be able to gain extra ranking points for the next season. This is crucial for players who want to push into the Top 500 next season – they must use any kind of head start possible. If you failed to take advantage of this, your chances would be severely lowered.

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Where you can find Unranked Classic Matchmaking

The current season, 13, is going to end on Sunday, July 12. Afterward, all players would be de-ranked back to a certain tier based on their performance in the season. Below are how the ranks would be modified when this season ends:

Conqueror/Ace Platinum 2
Crown 1 Platinum 3
Crown 2 & 3 Platinum 4
Crown 4 & 5 Platinum 5
Diamond 1 & 2 Gold 1
Diamond 3, 4 & 5 Gold 2
Platinum 1, 2 & 3 Gold 3
Platinum 4, 5 & Gold 1 Gold 4
Gold 2, 3, 4 & 5 Gold 5

Players below these tiers would remain the same.

What are the tasks of Unranked Classic mode in PUBG Mobile?

This mode can be accessed using the normal matchmaking page in-game. The Unranked Classic Event has a separate tab in which you can access the various missions and events. Rating points gained in this event are completely free - you would not lose any points even if you lose the match.

Various daily tasks in for Unranked Classic Event

You can earn 40 ranking points every day at maximum - the event lasts for 7 days so theoretically you would be able to get 280 points, which is 1-2 rank. The quests are pretty straightforward:

  • Survive 30 minutes  in Unranked Classics for 5 points
  • Defeat 5 enemies in Unranked Classics for 5 points
  • Get 1/2/3 Chicken Dinner in Unranked Classics for 10 points each

Interested in more of our PUBG Mobile related articles? Please check out this post for the top 5 new features of the 0.19.0 update.