Lately, as ScoutOP was removed from the active roster of Fnatic, many fans were upset and take their anger toward Ronak. While the decision fo removing ScoutOP was a team decision, Ronak alone was the one has been taking the blame from the fan for taking ScoutOP's place all along.
Unable to cope with the pressure, yesterday, Ronak opened the stream with tears on his eyes and starting expressing himself about what he had to go through and how all the pressure has affected his mental health and performance in-game. While he was confiding about his matter, he mentioned how sad he was with the way he left team SouL and said that Animesh ‘Thug’ Agarwal has made his friends hate him as Thug one of the owners of SouL back then.
Eventually, Goldy, Thug, Viper, and Mamba all joined the call and started pointing fingers, debating about the problems. The call last for an hour with everyone being emotional and aggressive toward each other. Everyone has their points, but none of them were listening.
Here is the bottom line. Team SouL broke up last year wasn't the fault of anyone alone. MortaL has to take care of his family so he chose to leave. Thug was the one who sponsored team SouL so he made some hard decisions to keep the team running and having high performance. Ronak has to respond to his father so he left team SouL for a new team.

But in the end, exposing each other on live streams like this is not the way to solve any problem. While it is really hard to keep the friendship going in such a harsh business such as the PUBG Mobile esports scene, a calm and open-minded talk will open up the problem easier than an argument. And Ghatak was the one that saved the day by connecting everyone to solved the problem.