Minecraft is one of the biggest and most expansive games ever, with a lot of features. However, the sheer size of the game makes it hard for the developer to keep up with the needs of the player base. Therefore, Mojang can definitely look for inspirations and ideas to improve the game from the modding scene. In this article, we are going to showcase the top 5 Minecraft mods that should be added to the vanilla game.

1. Just Enough Items (JEI)

Minecraft's recipe book is one of the most helpful items in the game, as it contains crafting recipes that you discover. However, due to the sheer size of Minecraft, figuring out each recipe manually is a huge chore. Usually, both new and experienced players will need to look on community-made wikis for a recipe that they might have forgotten.

Just Enough Items (JEI) is the best crafting menu mod.

Just enough items or JEI is one of the best Minecraft mods to solve that issue. It allows players to view all the recipes in Minecraft at any time. This allows players to prepare for building items and cut down on time wasted browsing wikis. Overall, an upgrade to the recipe book to turn it into the JEI version would be a great improvement.

2. MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod

While Minecraft is all about creating things using blocks, there are only a handful of items you can make in the game. Amongst them, furniture is probably the most lacking variant, as the only thing you can make to decorate your house is a bed.

MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod adds a lot of unique items.

MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod will solve this problem by adding over eighty unique pieces of furniture. You will be able to find furniture for every part of your house, including the kitchen, bedroom, dining, outdoors, and more. It is about time that Mojang adds this feature to the official game so that players can create their own unique house.

3. Shaders

Minecraft has always been a little bit lacking in the graphics department. Players with strong PC often install shader mods to deal with this issue. These high-end Minecraft shaders improve the various aspects of the game visual and make it look much better and more realistic.

Shaders improve how the game looks.

It is definitely a good idea for Mojang to introduce better graphics in Minecraft via official shaders. It has been more than 10 years since the game debut after all - it could definitely use a visual update.

4. Voice chat

Minecraft has grown much bigger than the original Single Player mode. A lot of players are playing the game's multiplayer mode now, and there are a lot of creative modes when played with friends on online servers.

Voice chat is the most useful Minecraft mods in multiplayer.

However, in multiplayer modes, communication has always been a big issue. Unlike the usual multiplayer games, Minecraft does not have any in-game voice chat support. Players usually need to use third-party applications like Discord or forgo talking altogether. Mojang should definitely deal with this issue to create a more enjoyable multiplayer experience.

5. Chisels & Bits

Minecraft's decoration could definitely use some improvements. While there are hundreds of decorative blocks added to the game over the years, it would definitely be better if players are able to alter how individual blocks look... to create unique ones.

Chisels & Bits is a great way to create unique decors.

Chisels & Bits mod allows players to whittle away at blocks with a chisel. Players can shave down blocks to specifically modify them to whatever way they want. This feature should definitely be added to the main game, as it allows an even higher range of customization.

>>> Read more: Best Minecraft Realms Mods 2021: How To Add Realms Mods In 2 Ways