Just after three weeks from the application of Valve for the new trademark and not long after the official announcement of their plan to release a Dota Auto Chess's standalone version, a user has leaked on Reddit a 10 minutes footage of Dota Underlords beta version.
Leaked video about DOTA UNDERLORD gameplay
The video first shows a game loading screen; then it shows a message saying that they welcome the player to Dota Underlords' Beta Season. It also mentions that the items, synergies, heroes, and Underlords will change each new season. Even though that this video only has a portion of the game's tutorial, however, it has shown off several features of the game. First, they removed the Chessboard, so all the pieces are heroes now, similar to Dota 2.

5 Tiers
They also categorized the heroes into 5 tiers; each has around 12 - 15 heroes. We could also see in the tutorial footage that Valve also added in a few new faces that we hadn't seen before in the Arcade mode from Drodo.

For example, in the 1st Tier list of heroes, we have Warlock, in the 2nd Tier list there is Pudge, and Arc Warden appears in the pool of 3rd Tier. The video also showed lots of items that haven't appeared yet in Dota Auto Chess. There was a massive list of them in the video, and one of the fascinating ones is the Recruiter with an exciting description.

According to the one who creates this video, currently, there are around 15 synergies, and the majority of them will keep the old bonuses and names from Dota Auto Chess. We could also notice the difference between the two is that the Sniper and Gyrocopter synergy will have the name of Deadeye with an entirely different perk.
Apart from this leak, there is no leak about Dota Underlords of Valve yet, but with the video, you can see the first images of the mobile version.