Square Enix announced its upcoming title War of Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius back in last December for the Japanese market. We have covered that topic in this article. And there was that pre-registration that we have also covered here. Then finally we got the confirmation for a global launch of this title at this year E3. Then just last month, we got an English video trailer for the game. See it below:

If you do not follow the news on this game, basically it is an tactical RPG set in the universe of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. And just this weekend Square Enix released a gameplay video trailer on the game's Japanese YouTube channel.

The developer will probably begin to promote the game for the Western markets once there is a confirmed launch day or after the Japanese launch (if it is not a simultaneous launch). If you are looking for a new Final Fantasy Tactics style game, then it might be the one for you. And even better, it will be free-2-play. Check out the overview gameplay video trailer below with some beautiful skill animations on top of that familiar grid-based combat mechanic:

A New Gameplay Trailer

The game takes place on the Ardora continent. That is where 5 countries - Leonis, Hourne, Fennes, Wezette, Crystal Sanctum - are fighting each other and dragging the entire continent into chaos. You will choose to join 1 of these 5 countries to conquer your enemy nations.

You will choose to join 1 of these 5 countries to conquer your enemy nations.

Battles in the game use a tactical system set up in 3D arenas with various high levels. It requires players to carefully calculate each move if they want to have an advantage. The game also integrates both "Auto Mode" and "High-Speed ​​Mode", allowing those who are new to the genre to quickly adapt.

Square Enix will launch the game on Android and iOS devices worldwide this year. If you want to know more about it, check out its official website in English right here.