What is Hip Fire in COD Mobile? Here are things you need to know about this firing mode in this shooting game as well as some must-know tips to use it effectively.

What Is Hip Fire In Call of Duty Mobile?

Hip-fire is one of the two main firing modes in COD Mobile as well as other shooting games, such as PUBG Mobile, BGMI, Free Fire, etc. It's firing without opening scope to aim. You will aim with the crosshair of the gun. It's not as accurate as ADS but it's more effective in close combat and face-to-face combat in COD Mobile.

Hip Fire in COD Mobile is firing without opening scope to aim.

Is Hipfire Effective In COD Mobile?

Hip-fire is more effective in some situations but it's useless in many situations. Let's check out some pros and cons to see when hip-fire is the most useful and effective in COD Mobile.

Pros of Hip-Fire in COD Mobile

  • It's really deadly in close combat and face-to-face combat.
  • Hip-fire is more accurate when enemies are very close to you.
  • It does not cover your vision as ADS.
  • You can fire immediately and reflex quickly when getting shot suddenly or falling into an ambush.
Hip-Firing is very effective and useful in close combat and face-to-face engagements.

Cons of Hip-Fire in COD Mobile

  • Less accurate in mid-range combat and inaccurate in long-range combat.
  • Larger bullet spread.
  • You will waste more bullets to take down the target.

In short, Hip-fire is only effective in close combat and instant engagement in this shooting game. You should use it to reflex fast in panic situations, such as ambush.

How To Hipfire In COD Mobile?

To use hip-fire in COD Mobile, you need to enact this firing mode. In the default setting, all weapons in this game are set to the ADS. Then, the scope will be opened automatically when you tap the firing button. Therefore, you need to go to the setting and activate Hip-fire mode. Follow these steps to enact the hip-fire mode in COD Mobile.

  • Go to the Setting section.
  • Locate and tap on the Control setting tab.
  • Go to the Advanced mode in the Controls tab.
  • Put a tick on the Hip-fire box in the Shooting mode options.
Go to the control setting and select the advance mode to enable Hip Fire in COD Mobile.

Then, you can go to some training matches to practice hip-firing. Try to keep the aiming point of the crosshair stable by dragging the right shooting button or the camera view down. It's because the vertical gun recoil often makes the crosshair choke when you spray bullets.

Try to keep the aiming point of the crosshair stable by dragging the right shooting button down.

However, the recoil of different weapons is not the same. For example, assault rifles often have higher recoil and sub-machine guns. Therefore, it's better to practice with all weapons to know how much you should drag the crosshair down to make it reach the targets accurately. Besides, practice hip-firing in close combat because it does not work well in mid-range and long-range engagements.

The vertical gun recoil often makes the crosshair choke when you spray bullets.

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Best Weapons To Use Hip-Fire In COD Mobile

As hip-fire is only effective and accurate in close combat, the best weapons for this shooting mode are short-range weapons. Here are the best weapons to use hip-fire in COD Mobile that you should use.

#1. Submachine Guns (SMG)

SMGs are the best guns for hip-firing in this game. Most COD Mobile SMGs are very stable and reliable in close combat due to high accuracy in this range. Therefore, the bullets will not spread out too large. Then, more bullets can reach the target accurately to take the enemies down quickly. The new Cordite, QXR, PP19 Bizon, QQ9, MSMC, and HG40 are the best SMGs in this game.

SMGs are the best guns for hip-firing in this game because they are very stable and reliable.

#2. Shotguns

Shotgun is also a weapon category designed for close combat and face-to-face combat. Although its vertical recoil is also high, its rate of fire is low. Therefore, you have time to adjust the crosshair for the next shot. But you shouldn't open scope or you will react slowly. KRM-262, Echo, Striker, and HS2126 are the most recommended shotguns in COD Mobile.

Shotgun is also a weapon category designed for close combat and hip-firing in this shooting game.

#3. Heavy Machine Guns

Like SMGs, Heavy Machine guns are also the best weapons for close combat and hip-firing. If you open the scope of ADS when using these weapons to spray, the vertical recoil of these guns will make the aim choke highly.

Heavy Machine guns are also the best weapons for close combat and hip-firing.

Heavy Machine guns have high rates of fire. Therefore, it's pretty hard to keep the crosshair stable, especially when you use ADS shooting mode. The screen will shake and cover your vision. Then, you will lose the target. It's better to use hip-fire with this weapon category. Some recommended Heavy Machine Guns in COD Mobile are M4LMG, UL736, RPD, Chopper, and S36.

#4. Pistols

If you use ADS shooting mode with pistols, a large vision will be covered. Therefore, it's highly recommended that players should use hip-fire mode when using this weapon category. J358 and MW11 are the two main handguns in this game.

Players should use hip-fire mode when using handguns.

Those are things you need to know about hip-firing after answering the question 'What is Hip Fire in COD Mobile?'. Let's practice this effective shooting mode to reflex quickly in close combat.

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