Genshin Impact 2.5 is going to end very soon, with players getting very excited for the upcoming launch of 2.6. Kamisato Ayato is going to be the main character of this update, featured as part of the first banners alongside Venti.
In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top five reasons players should pull for Ayato in Genshin Impact.
1. Ayato is a great Hydro support
Looks like Xingqiu's position of the best Hydro support in the game is going to be contested with Ayato's release. Unlike other popular Hydro supports in the game like Xingqiu or Mona, Ayato's Hydro application with his elemental skill is much faster.

Players can use Ayato on-field with his elemental skill or off-field with both his skill and burst. This allows players to trigger reactions with Ayato as either DPS or support.
Lastly, Ayato's burst provides bonuses to normal attack damage, which could be useful in comps involving Ganyu.
2. All of Ayato's abilities deal AoE damage
While Ayato is in the Soukai Kanka state from his elemental skill, damage from his normal attacks switches from physical damage to area of effect Hydro damage. With his clone exploding and his burst also dealing AoE Hydro damage, Ayato's capability against multiple enemies is unparalleled.

When combined with Ayato's naturally fast attacks, his damage potential rises off the chart. Overall, he might be the next meta character to clear future Spiral Abyss and other hard content.
3. His burst has great uptime
Ayato's elemental burst, Kamisato Art: Suiyuu, is currently the longest elemental burst duration in Genshin Impact. It is stated to be 18 seconds long, 3 more than the previous currently longest burst. This allows party members extra time to switch and trigger reactions for damage.

While three extra seconds might not seem to be something big, it actually has a big impact on rotations and field DPS. This matters a lot in spiral abyss, where players have to race against the clock.
4. Easy to gear and play
With Ayato's main gameplay mechanic revolving around boosting normal attacks, he is one of the easiest characters to play in Genshin. Players just need to release Ayato's abilities then spam left clicks.

He is also a viable character for many artifact sets as well. Players can either use the new Echoes of an Offering set on him or just field him out with Gladiator’s Finale/Shimenawa's Reminiscence/Heart of Depth. This allows Ayato owners to use the character right away without having to wait for the right artifact.
5. Flexible with team composition
With Hydro being one half of the highly damaging Vaporize reaction, Ayato is very flexible and can be used in multiple team comps. His ability allows the creation of various reaction-based lineups from Vaporize to Electro-charged and Freeze.

Many leaks have showcased Ayato's synergy with party members such as Ganyu, Ayaka, Shenhe, Venti, Yunjin, Chongyun... etc.
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