Director Sam Raimi, the one behind the success of the original Spider-Man movie trilogy and the Evil Dead horror trilogy, is going to be the director of Marvel Doctor Strange's horror-themed sequel. This is actually a piece of great news, as Raimi is one of the rare directors who have had experiences in directing both superheroes movies and horror movies. These two have completely different themes and are very hard to mash together.

In the same interview that confirmed Raimi's involvement in the project, he also mentioned that Doctor Strange has always been one of his most favorite characters ever since he was a kid. The character of Doctor Strange was pretty unique in general, as in comic books, there isn't much "sorcerer" type of superhero - these guys are usually villains. The guy liked Strange so much he inserted his name into the script of Spider-Man 2 as a joke - little did Raimi know that 20 years later he would be working on a Doctor Strange movie.

Raimi's previous experiences on The Evil Dead and Spider-Man would be a great source of inspiration for this movie, as Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness is going to be one of the darkest Marvel stories yet, diving into weird timelines in which horrible things happen. Lots of characters in the Marvel universe are going to be involved in this movie, with Scarlet Witch - Wanda Maximoff being the prime candidate for the villain role. Based on various theories from experts, Wanda is going to use her reality-warping power to destabilize the timeline, warping the people on Earth into unforeseen situations.

The introduction of the Multiverse into the MCU is the prime chance for Marvel to merge every universe into one and introduce various new teams like the X-Men and Fantastic Four. Some rumors also suggest the appearance of a Zombie universe - a world filled with the zombified version of every hero in the MCU.

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