These days, it's really easy to find for yourself several favorite TV shows, and you can also know your friends’ beloved collection if they share it on social media platforms. The shows loved by most of the people must be produced with a lot of dedication as well as investment, and the people behind that success would definitely intrigue a lot of TV watchers. If you want to find popular TV shows, we're gonna dip into some of the most remarkable choices of all time, according to Hollywood insiders.
The anonymous survey was taken on 779 actors, 365 producers, and 286 directors of Hollywood to collect the information about their favorite series, which brought about a myriad of astonishing answers along with a diverse pool of reasons. Below is the list gathering several popular TV shows built up by Hollywood insiders.
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The Simpsons
Being known as the world’s famous comedy series, The Simpsons is also a topic of heated debates around the decision to produce Season 27 despite the end of its heyday.

Amazingly, all of the cast still remained their role, except for Harry Shearer who seemed to back out because of his money problems at the beginning of the year. Honestly, the length of 570 episodes is something unpredicted, but the story following this dysfunctional family has obtained a dreamy position on the rank. Maybe it owns a thank to Poochie for that?

Saturday Night Live
Definitely, the length of The Simpsons is yet at the top of the list, because that position belongs to a more popular and maligned sketch show which was the birthplace of plenty of famous comedians - Saturday Night Live.

Saturday Night Live follows a natural style and topical approach, with no well-planned preparation in particular; therefore, a few seasons of the shows can reach the common perfection. However, each of them provided the watchers with a typical as well as memorable moments, which then created a pleasant feeling each time one wanted to rewatch the show.

Game of Thrones
Based on the outstandingly successful novel of George R.R. Martin, the movie version of Game of Thrones also astonishes its audiences with a huge cast of characters involved in a collection of conflicts, violence, hot scenes, and a satisfying combination between the fantastic victories and regal politics.

With those interesting features, Game of Thrones is undoubtedly one of the big names that gain lots of ratings for HBO.

The X-Files
With attempts to connect every main aspect in a high-rated show in its existing and upcoming seasons, The X-Files has achieved a quite stable viewership over the years. Its attractive storyline can involve every central character, the mixture of procedural factors with its weekly monster approach, and even side characters have their particular funny and mysterious features.

Although the quality is said to be not up to par with expectations as the time flies, people still have to admit that they can find some continual interest in the series. Apparently, the alien conspiracies are widely welcomed, even for such a long time.

Breaking Bad
Among numerous successes made in Vince Gilligan’s Breaking Bad, turning Bryan Cranston from a sitcom star to an antihero surrounded by drama scenes is definitely one of the biggest achievements.

With a ton of dark events covered in their constant black humor, Breaking Bad will not easily lose its brand of the best TV shows of decades. It seems to be a warning for any chemical teachers wanting to intervene too much in their students’ meth game.

Over the 1990s, Friends was a predominant reason that built up the name of NBC as a well-known comedy and a dozen of casts as stardoms, even in worse or better cases. The film was truly a legend of Hollywood due to the high viewership even after it had left the airwaves for ages.

Several scenes in 'Friends' are nothing but a mixture of silliness and seriousness, and a color palette that is typical for each character, even Ugly Naked Guy has his own highly reminiscent tone. As a matter of fact, hardly anyone can deny the attraction of Friends and it turns out to be a perfect pick if you need to find popular TV shows.