Another decade of the gaming industry is just passing by with the rise of many excellent games of all genres. However, it is none other than GTA 5 that can outdo other titles in the fierce competition to find out the best game of the decade. If you’re still in doubt, here are 5 main reasons which make GTA 5 the most successful game in the world over the last decade.

How can GTA 5 top the list of the best game of the decade, check out 5 reasons below!

The longevity

Given the fact that the game was released in 2013, it’s quite impressive to see how the game claims to be the top-selling game year by year and competes with other newly-released games.

In fact, the game developer did a great world of maintaining the popularity of GTA 5 for a long time. Apart from launching the updated version for the latest console gens, the game also keeps players hooked with the GTA Online mode with different gaming experiences and a lot of interesting events to complete.

In GTA V story mode, you will be controlling 3 characters to go through the e story

The characters

The game revolves around three protagonists: Franklin, Trevor and Micheal. While each has their own story, they complete each other and round up the whole game. In addition to that, secondary characters in GTA 5 also play an important part in the success of the game for the past years.

The storyline

The incoherent storyline has always been one of the biggest downsides of the GTA franchise except for GTA 5. With an intensive storyline and brilliant plot twists, players will find themselves being drawn into the thug life in Los Santos city and get excited when some secrets unfold.

Although there are some other titles that are said to have better plots, GTA 5 is still one of the best open-world games with an engaging storyline that every player needs to give it a try.

The world in GTA 5

Taking inspiration from the Los Angeles city of the U.S., the fictional city in GTA 5, Los Santos city, is the perfect place for players to live up to their imagination. With an immense map, it’s such an incredible effort for Rockstar to create a well-developed city with an authentical vibe. In fact, recreating a map from an existing one and giving it a unique feel requires the same effort as building everything from scratch.

The incredible influence

While Rockstar games carved a niche in the gaming industry with the other prequel of the GTA series, it was not until the release of GTA 5 that the franchise was taken to the next level. It can be said that GTA 5 is not only the best game of the series but also the game-changer in the gaming world which changed the concept of an open-world game forever.

With all the given reasons, GTA 5 is undeniably one of the best games in the world for the last decade. Apart from GTA 5, there are also some other highly-recommended games that players should not miss like Minecraft, The Witcher 3, Skyrim or Uncharted 4.

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