Ever since the initial official announcement of Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey released in 2015, the game has been keeping quite a low profile. This survival game with an open world was developed by the studio whose co-founder was the creative director of Assassin's Creed - Patrice Désilets - called Panache Digital Games. Moreover, its publisher was Private Division. And now, it has got itself a 2019 release window. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey will be launched on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

This title is actually a third-person survival game which takes place in an open world that gives players a chance to go back to the Neogene period. In this game, players will have to explore Africa as well as grow their own clan.

Neogene Africa is full of ruthless predators

"The game and its mechanics rely on evolution, discovery, and survival as players traverse a variety of terrain and environments, encounter various predators, and learn new abilities to pass along to the next generation of their clan.", reported in a press release.

Neogene Africa is not an easy place to live. It is full of ruthless predators, from deadly alligators to giant snakes. And your mission is to unite the hominids and build your own clan. After you have your clan, you have to figure out how to get the hominids to work together to survive as well as expand your territory. Moreover, you are not forming only clans, since Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey also allows you to "form bonds to create families", which ties into the capability of passing abilities to the future generations that were mentioned in the press release quoted above.

The window announcement released was combined with a trailer that features a complication of vignettes that shows the game in action. Though we still have not got the chance to get a closer look at the gameplay, it is obvious that the project sounds pretty much ambitious.

ANCESTORS: The Humankind Odyssey Announcement Trailer