While all the hype is gone, Apex Legend is still one of the best battle royale game out there. One thing that makes Apex Legend stand out from other battle royale games like Fornite or PUBG is the characters and classes system. All Apex Legends characters have their own unique abilities that serve many different purposes and allow players to win the game in different ways. Here is the complete Apex Legends characters list. In this list, we have all the Apex Legends characters ranked from worst to best. We will divide 10 Apex Legends characters into 4 Tier, judging by their powers, with Tier 4 being the worst ones.
Tier 4
Tactical Ability: Nox Gas Trap
Caustic can drop up to 6 canisters that discharge toxic Nox gas when shot or triggered by enemies.
Passive Ability: Nox Vision
Caustic can see enemies through his own gas.
Ultimate: Nox Gas Grenade
Caustic will cover a large area with his gas.
Caustic is no doubt the worst character in Apex Legends and you will see that most people will agree with that. While he has received some buff recently, his abilities are still one of the worst Apex Legends characters abilities. Not only that his abilities are very situational, but they also block the vision of your own teammates. The only place where his abilities are effective are inside buildings and chokes points.
Tactical Ability: Perimeter Security
This ability allow Wattson to place a maximum of 12 poles on the ground to create electrified fences that slow and damage enemies.
Passive Ability: Spark of Genius
This passive ability allows Wattson to fully recharge her Ultimate whenever she uses an Ultimate Accelerant. Also, her Tactical Ability will recharge faster when she is standing near interception pylons.
Ultimate: Interception Pylon
Her Ultimate creates an electrified pylon that blocks incoming grenades and missile and repairs damaged shield of nearby allies.
While Wattson abilities are interesting, they are too situational and if you want a defensive character, Lifeline can do a better job. However, she is a new character, so there are might some strategy in the future that can fit her. But for now, she doesn't have much potential.
Tactical ability: Eye of the Allfather
Bloodhound will reveal all nearby enemies traps, Loot Ticks for 1.5 seconds.
Passive ability: Tracker
Bloodhound can see the traces created by enemies' actions. These traces last for 60 seconds.
Ultimate: Beast of the Hunt
Upon activating, Bloodhound FOV and speed is increased. Also, your vision will turn black and white and enemies are highlighted in red.
While Eye of the Allfather can give Bloodhound information. The range and area of this skill are very narrow. Also, you will need to position yourself well in order to make these abilities effective. Moreover, his mobility is low, and other characters can offer more than what he has.
Tactical ability: Psyche Out
Mirage will send out a hologram of himself that mimics whatever he does to confuse enemies. If the hologram is getting shot at, Mirage will have the information about the shooter's location.
Passive Ability: Encore
When Mirage is knocked down, he will create a decoy and cloak for five seconds.
Ultimate: Vanishing Act
This Ultimate will create a team of Decoys to distract enemies while making Mirage invisible for 3 seconds or until he uses weapons or heals.
I mean his ability does absolutely nothing for the team, and only an idiot wouldn't figure out his decoy within seconds. He is currently having the worst win rate of 13%.
Tier 3
Tactical Ability: Dome of Protection
Gibraltar throws out a shield that blocks attacks from both sides for 18 seconds.
Passive Ability: Gun Shield
This ability will create an energy shield with 75 HP in front of Gibraltar when he aims down sights.
Ultimate: Defensive Bombardment
Gibraltar will mark an area on the ground with the smoke to call in Call in a concentrated mortar strike.
Reduces incoming damage by 15%.
Gibraltar win rate in on the rise due to the recent buffs. With Fortified and Dome of Protection, it is really hard to take him down one on one. However, his hitbox is still too big, and his Ultimate also deals damage to himself, making it a double-edged sword.
Tactic ability: Stim
Octane gains 30% move speed for 6 seconds with the cost of 10 health with 2 seconds cooldown.
Passive ability: Swift Mend
While not taking damage Octane restores 1 health every 2 seconds.
Ultimate: Launch Pad
Octane creates a Pad that launches any players to the air.
While Octane possesses good mobility and helps his teammates reposition by using Launch Pad. However, his abilities are loud thus catching a lot of attention and there are other characters who can reposition their team in a better way.
Tier 2
Tactic Ability: Smoke Launcher
Launch a missile that creates a smoke wall when impact.
Passive Ability: Double Time
Bangalore will run 30% faster when she is getting shot at by enemies.
Ultimate: Rolling Thunder
Bangalore throws a flare to the target area which calls an artillery strike that drops 20 small missiles.
Her passive Double Time makes her a hard target to hit. Her Smoke Launcher gives her team a softcover when being caught in the open field, or when revving an ally, looting.
Although, her Ultimate is pretty mediocre. It is mostly used as a zoning tool for repositioning.
Tactic ability: Grappling Hook
Throws a hook that will attach to the first object its hit and pull you toward it. You can also use it on allies to pull your self to them.
Passive ability: Insider Knowledge
Scan a survey beacon to see the location of the next Ring.
Ultimate: Zipline Gun
Pathfinder creates a zipline between the current location and the target location. Any player can use this line to move quickly between 2 points.
Low Profile
Pathfinder takes 5% more damage.
Although Pathfinder just got nerf recently, he is still one of the best legends in the game with great mobility. Many players have been complaining that Pathfinder's hitbox is weird and hard to hit so the developer team gave him the Loew Profile debuff.
Still, the mobility Pathfinder has is just too good to ignore. His Tactical Ability has only 13 seconds cooldown and allows him to access many odd locations or escape instantly.
His Ultimate even provides that ability for all his teammates, giving them access to a perfect position for sniping. However, you might want to check out an Apex Legends characters guide to know where should you use your abilities.
Tier 1
Tactical Ability: D.O.C Heal Drone
Send out an uncontrollable Drone of Compassion to heal all nearby players( including enemies) over time. The drone lasts for 20 seconds.
Passive ability: Combat Medic
Lifeline revives allies and uses healing items faster. Also, she will generate a shield wall in front of her whenever she revives an ally.
Ultimate: Care Package
Lifeline calls a drop pod with 3 high-quality attachments, consumables, and/or gear.
Low Profile
Lifeline takes 5% more damage.
Just by reading her ability, anyone can tell that she is super OP. Her Passive Ability is the best Passive Ability in the game. Creating an impenetrable shield while saving your ally will guarantee their life with the bonus of faster reviving and using healing items.
Her Tactical Ability gives the entire team a great amount of health and her Ultimate is pretty much self-explanatory.
Although she was given the Low Profile debuff, she still has one of the smallest hitboxes in the game and remains as one of the best Apex Legends characters.
Tactic Ability: Into the Void
Enter the void, where you are invulnerable and invisible, and gain a slight movement speed boost.
Passive Ability: Voices from the Void
You will hear a warning voice if someone is aiming at you or looking at you or if there are traps nearby.
Ultimate: Dimensional Rift
Wraith will create a starting portal first and gain some movement speed to set the path between the two portals. After both portals are placed, any player can enter either portal and they will move rapidly to the other portal using the same path while being invisible and invulnerable.
Low Profile
Wraith takes 5% more damage.
I always save the best for last and there is it. Wraith, the most powerful legends with the highest win rate of 19.8%. Her abilities are basically the same as Pathfinder, but better. She has the smallest hitbox in the game while providing amazing mobility for her team to flank enemies or to escape.
Although Respawn gave her the Low Profile debuff, that won't stop her from being the best Apex Legends characters with her abilities.