It seems that Apex Legends has lost a lot of surprise element for their fans. Just over a few weeks, there has been lots of leaks and information in datamines to spoil what’s incoming. Some recent images show pictures of an upcoming L-Star weapon while some others show 10 character models of new legends to arrive.

Words from Respawn Entertainment
Against the issue, Respawn tells players not to treat any of such thing as a trustworthy source of information. In fact, the community manager of Apex Legends did have some words on Reddit on the situation. The guy said that there's some very old stuff in there, Respawn might have tried and cut them out. He reminded everyone that the design process includes prototyping and playing many ideas, and therefore such things might still be in the development process.

He also said it’s not confirmable about the release of such weapons and legends, just because some people found out about them. According to him, players should just treat such post as rumors and patiently wait to see what’s actually coming.
About Octane
However, there’s a leak that really seems to be the truth: Octane is the next legend to come out. Some Origin users saw an advertising banner about this season’s battle pass, saying Octane will cost about 950 Apex coins (around £8) in the store. This banned was removed after a short while of appearing on the storefront. Nonetheless, the background image that contains Octane still remain on Origin's assets.

Furthermore, Respawn squashed rumors about the starting day of the season as well. Players should keep waiting for more details on the battle pass as well as new legends, as they are coming "very soon".
All in all, it’s quite exciting to see the datamines regarding the upcoming legends. It’s also worth noting to see these early prototypes of legends and items. We all know that they could be completely different once they come out. Stay tuned for more updates on Apex Legends.
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