Blood Bowl: Death Zone was developed by Cyanide Studio and published by Bigen Interactive. Blood Bowl was originally a board game set in the world of Warhammer at first. Then it was adapted into a turn-based strategy video game in 2009 and got a sequel in 2015.

You could say that Blood Bowl: Death Zone is a football game, only with goblins, orcs, and dwarves running around. However, unlike the previous version, this game is a real-time strategy game instead of a turn-based game. Although this change makes the game feels like a MOBA game, it increases the game pace and let players enjoy the bloodiness in real-time.

Two players will control a total of 4 characters, one at a time. Each character has a set of unique and basic abilities. While it sounds like the game is going to be hard, RTS players might be interested in how demanding the game can be.
Blood Bowl: Death Zone has a total of 14 teams with their own strengths and weaknesses. Each team will have a leader called "Star Player." Each match lasts 5 minutes and 2 players will control their team to active skills, dodge the opponents and score TOUCHDOWNS. There are a single player mode with 6 leagues to complete and a multiplayer mode.

In short, this is what Blood Bowl: Death Zone all about: "scoring touchdowns, punching opponents in the face and dealing with deadly injuries." It's violence, bloody and chaos. Be careful, because not all of your players will be able to keep their lives until the end of the season.
Blood Bowl: Death Zone has just phased out of Early Access and is currently available on Steam just for half of the price at only $4.99.
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