A fan of the Borderland 3 has taken his time to study the stats from the gameplay of the game, then come up with a theory about how the level scaling system of the game works. It starts on the subreddit of Borderlands, a user with the account of "SirArkhon" has posted a breakdown analysis, all about the footage of the game that the publisher has revealed until this moment.
The subreddit post
On the subreddit post, they said “From what I can tell, HP in Borderlands 3 is given by a formula of HP = 80 x 1.09^Level and dropping any decimal remainder,” And they even added “Every data point I've found fits this curve. From this formula, we can extrapolate a theoretical max HP at level 72 of 39,609; this is over an order of magnitude smaller than BL2's baseline max of 530,564.”
They also mentioned “This will make loot last about forty percent longer than in 2 as stats will take log(1.09,2)=8 levels to double instead of 5.7,”
In the post, SirArkhon has also included a breakdown on the systems of the previous games. The first game in the series will increase the health of the player at a linear and flat rate of 15 hit points each level. On the other hand, Borderland 2 offered an increase of 13% of the states based on each level. The system of the second game will make the weapon become obsolete much more quickly. It also makes the user feel that the weapon must more disposable than before. Because in the 1st game, it was much more difficult to find an adequate replacement for your gear.

According to SirArkhon, the system in the new game will be a nice “Goldilocks zone” between those two previous systems.
Gearbox's response
In fact, we have contacted to Gearbox to check the accuracy of the analysis from SirArkhon. Their representative has said “The dedication and passion of our fans never cease to amaze us!” and “It’s worth noting that the game is still in development so the level progression and scaling is not yet final, but we’ll have more to share and show between now and launch.”

But there is still the chance that even if the analysis of SirArkhon is correct Gearbox could still change the level scaling system in the final release. But if GearBox gonna uses it, then it is good that they are learning from their previous work.