Trapdoors have been a feature in Minecraft since its inception, with a lot of new materials being added over time. Since the game's launch, materials such as Acacia, Cherry, Dark Oak, Copper, and many others have been introduced, expanding the types of Trapdoors players can create.

Like metal-based doors, Trapdoors need a Redstone signal to operate. A nearby switch usually provides this signal, allowing players to open and pass through the door. Players can find Iron Trapdoors naturally generating in Minecraft Ancient Cities, so there's no need to craft them if they bring a Pickaxe. One player has found an innovative use for Iron Trapdoors, potentially leading to numerous new creative designs.

Trapdoors have been a feature in Minecraft since its inception, with a lot of new materials being added over time.

Minecraft Player Discovered New Use for Iron Trapdoors

Reddit user Kenny744 recently posted a video showcasing a mechanism transforming four Iron Trapdoors into a spinning fan blade.

The video starts with the player approaching a structure made of 20 Iron Blocks arranged in a four-by-four grid. The player places two Iron Trapdoors inside the box, then removes the first one and places it above the remaining Trapdoor. Next, they place an Iron Trapdoor back in the original spot and immediately add another on top. Finally, the player steps back and activates a Redstone network by clicking on a Jukebox, causing the four Trapdoors to spin in a clockwise direction.

Reddit user Kenny744 recently posted a video showcasing a mechanism transforming four Iron Trapdoors into a spinning fan blade.

How Does The Trapdoor Fan in Minecraft Work?

After demonstrating how the makeshift fan operates, Kenny744 floats above their contraption, indicating that it was built in Minecraft Creative mode.

The complete build consists of Redstone Circuits, Iron Blocks, a Jukebox, and Observers. A Redstone network connects the back of the build to the front section containing the Trapdoors, with circuits running through the middle and along each side. From above, seven Observer Blocks are visible, and the build spans seven blocks in length. The Redstone mechanism quickly activates one side of the Iron Trapdoors and then the other, causing the Trapdoors to spin rapidly due to the speed of the Redstone signals.

Kenny744's creation might be the first sample of a spinning fan in Minecraft, making it an impressive engineering achievement. This design could be integrated into various build types, particularly in Minecraft sci-fi projects. With Redstone's ability to work with other Trapdoor types, players could incorporate fans of different colors into their constructions, enhancing creativity and diversity in their designs.

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