Event Horizon has recently announced their upcoming game title - Dark Envoy. This Polish studio is also the one behind the tactical Role-Playing game Tower of Time.

Event Horizon claims that this game is a “non-linear RPG”. Additionally, they say that the game will feature a combination of turn-based combat, real-time combat, and exploration.

The game has already got itself a trailer on YouTube. The description of the trailer describes the game as “a mix of the Divinity series, XCOM, FTL, Mass Effect and Dragon Age”.

The description makes it sound really difficult for the team with just one game under its collective belt. However, their previous game - Tower of Time was as ambitious, and the studio managed to accomplish that task.

Event Horizon has even gone on supporting the debut title by adding two new modes: casual “RPG-lite” alongside hardcore “Permadeath” in January.

With Event Horizon as the developer, the game is really promising.

About the game

In this game, you will be using your Skyship (which is also your base of operations) to explore the world. You will get to hunt for mythical locations and dungeons with optional tactical objectives. However, you have to think carefully before choosing where to travel next since the world map changes over time in the game. Locations in the game will also randomly respawn. Therefore, it becomes progressively a lot more challenging for players to travel.

Explore the constantly changing world of Dark Envoy with your Skyship

The debut trailer of the game seems to have helped explain why it can draw so much attention. With just the opening shot, we can say it features a barefoot cowboy, an electric sorceress, a bowler-hatted mad scientist, a steampunk airship and a medieval-style knight. The rest of the trailer consists most of this widely-diverse crew of mismatched mates that wreaks havoc on a series of masked goons, each in their unique genre-appropriate manner.

Dark Envoy will be available at Gamescom (Cologne) around the end of this month. Dark Envoy will be on Windows (Steam), Xbox One and PlayStation 4 at some point in the second half of 2020.