Fallout 76 players are getting themselves free Fallout game next year as Bethesda is handing out 3 classic Fallout titles in January 2019.
Bethesda Softworks posted on Twitter a few days ago, saying that they’re giving the Fallout Classic Collection to players, on both PC and console for FREE! What’s the condition? Well, if they’ve been playing Fallout 76 at any given time in 2018, they’re eligible.

Here’s the actual tweet coming from Bethesda in December 23rd, including the following image as below:
Bethesda (@bethesda)
ANYONE who logged into the full release of Fallout76 in 2018 will receive an entitlement for Fallout Classic Collection on PC. This applies to Xbox One and PS4 players, too.
The entitlement is expected to go live in early January.
So, the collection we’re talking about (Fallout Classic Collection to be exact) contains 3 games. They are the original one: Fallout, Fallout 2 as well as Fallout Tactics. Although they aren’t playable on consoles, these games should run normally on PC. And since they are the “classic” ones, you should expect them to run smoothly on literally any Windows PC from the last 20 years.
Is this bundle a bargain? You decide!
On Steam, such collection will typically cost you $19.99 to buy. However, at the moment, it’s on sale on Valve’s store for just $5.99, thanks to the current Winter Sale. Moreover, Bethesda also includes the Fallout Classic Collection in purchases of its latest Fallout 76 game. You can get the online RPG as well as the 3-game-bundle through Bethesda.net digital store at the cost of $39.99.
Fallout 76 was released in November and happened to receive opposing reviews and responses. Some players disliked it horrendously, while some Polygon writers seemed to have so much fun with it after all.