The huge fan club of the Grand Theft Auto game series is dying to hear more about the Grand Theft Auto 6, especially about the exact release date of the game. And just recently, CEO of the parent company of Rockstar Games (developer for the Grand Theft Auto game series) has implied that this title might be officially released much earlier than the fans expected.

We have seen a lot of rumors about the features and details about the next title in the Grand Theft Auto game series (temporarily called Grand Theft Auto 6). In the last few months, we have heard that this title might be released shortly after the next consoles of Sony and Microsoft being released, which may be about November 2020. Not only so, we even heard that this title would feature a female main character. If so, this will be the first title in the game series having a female protagonist.

Fans will go wild if there is a female protagonist in Grand Theft Auto 6

It is still nearly a year and a half until November 2020. However, Strauss Zelnick - CEO of Take-Two Interactive (parent company of Rockstar Games) – thinks that fans will not have to wait long between each new title of this company. This can happen because there is “less pressure” on developers to introduce new games to the players.

Eight years between Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2

This CEO continued to explain that the price for the shorter gaps would be the shorter content in the end. But he quickly soothed the fans with the promise of regular content update patches after the title having been released.

Fans are dying to see what will be in the next title after the huge success of Grand Theft Auto 5

Hopefully Take-Two Interactive will keep its words, so we can have Grand Theft Auto 6 sooner than November 2020.