Grand Theft Auto V needs no introduction to the world of gaming. This open-world action-adventure title has been on the market for quite some time now. Rockstar Games first released it back in 2013, putting a trademark on 7 years of consistent performance. GTA 5 is the second best-selling video game of all time that offers players the virtual experience of being an underground boss. But in order to get there, you will need a lot of money. Luckily, we have a GTA 5 Money Glitch in Story Mode to help you speed things up by a whole lot!

Before we get to money glitches in GTA 5, we would have to notify you that there is no money cheat available. Whether in the Story Mode or Online, you can not find any cheat codes that give immediate cash deposits in your accounts. This game has a cheat for almost everything, just not the dollars. Therefore, getting an infinite bank balance is not an option to start the game with. However, there are glitches that you can exploit to make a fortune!

GTA 5 Money Glitch in Story Mode: Briefcase Dive
By far, this is the easiest glitch you can exploit in Grand Theft Auto 5 Story Mode, no matter which stage you're in. It has been around in the game forever, and Rockstar does not seem to be patching it up any time soon. So, open your game and follow the steps below to make yourself millions without any GTA 5 Money Cheat in Story Mode.
A Step-by-step Guide on the Briefcase Dive Money Glitch:
- #1 Open Grand Theft Auto 5, and head straight to Del Perro Beach, just by the pier
- #2 Take a lovely swim and jack one of the Seasharks docking here
- #3 Go to the marked location in the Pacific Ocean (as shown in the picture below)

- #4 Dive straight down until you find a briefcase on the underwater structure. Once you have located it, do not pick it up just yet.
- #5 Get back to the surface, get your phone out, and make a quick save file
- #6 Now you can dive down and collect the briefcase

- #7 Get back up again, then replace the current save with a new save
- #8 Load the newly saved file, your bank balance should have gone up by $25,000
- #9 Reload and repeat the process until you're a millionaire!
There you have it, a lovely glitch that gives you infinite money in GTA 5 Story Mode. We have confirmation that it still works perfectly in 2020. However, players do report having trouble finding the briefcase. A possible fix to this is to simply mark the location of the underwater structure, then move a little away. After that, make a quick save and reload.
There's a small catch, though. This is a GTA 5 Money Cheat Story Mode PC. Console owners may not be able to exploit it. However, if you're a PC player, then this glitch is perfect for you to start the game. Having millions in your account right off the bat is something not many could turn down.
Make Millions with the Stock Market
If you're looking for a place to earn the next millions in Grand Theft Auto V Story Mode, then the Stock Market is the place for you. Rockstar Games links the Stock Market to all instances of the game, making it feel super realistic. The prices of stocks will jump up and down as in real-life. There are certain things in this trade that you can take advantage of to make yourself a billionaire. What's better is you won't need any GTA 5 Money Cheats Story Mode PS4.

Follow the steps below to exploit the GTA 5 Money Glitch Story Mode PS4:
- #1 Make a quick save as a fool-proof option
- #2 Take out your phone in GTA 5 and go to the Stock Market (LCN or BAWSAQ)
- #3 Invest in any stocks whose prices are going downward. What comes down, must go up! But here's where things get a little tricky. You only want to put your money in companies with negative 0-10%, any higher than that and you'll risk losing cash.
- #4 Go to sleep but do not save the game
- #5 Check our stocks, if they're green, sell all of them to make a quick profit
This method will always work in Grand Theft Auto 5 Story Mode, no matter what platform or update you're on. Plus, you can do this at every given point in the process. However, it does require some capital at first.
Stock Market Tips:
- #1 Save Lester's assassination missions until last so that you have enough cash to invest in the Stock Market.
- #2 Before "The Multi-Target Assassination", go all-in in Debonaire (LCN). After you take down four corrupt jurors, this company's stocks will skyrocket.

- #3 Invest in Redwood (LCN) immediately when the stocks are in a massive dip, then wait a few days to make millions.
- #4 Invest in Fruit (BAWSAQ) before "The Vice Assassination", then sell your shares for a 50% profit after the mission.
- #5 Pour your savings in Facade (BAWSAQ), go to sleep, and wake up to a tasty 30% injection.

That is the GTA 5 Money Glitch in Story Mode you need to know in order to make millions in the game. All it requires is a little patience, plus some capital to start everything with. If you combine two of our tricks above, you'll be off to a great life in GTA V Story Mode. Visit our website at for more!