Despite a horrific launch for consoles, Cyberpunk 2077 still manages to achieve a certain level of success. CD Projekt RED has nailed certain features of the game, and romance is perhaps the most interesting one out of all. The game enables players to romantically engage with a lot of characters, regardless of their sexual orientation. Judy Alvarez is one of the hottest dwellers in Night City. Players can ideally date her in the game, but just like Panam, she's got her own set of requirements.

Everyone seems to be falling in love with Judy in Cyberpunk 2077

How to Date Judy Alvarez in Cyberpunk 2077?

Just like Panam, Judy has her preferences when it comes to a romantic partner. She is only attracted to a female V character with a feminine voice type. Players first meet Judy pretty early in the game, during "The Heist mission.

Judy is only interested in female characters

Players won't hear from Judy after that for a while. In Act II, you will see her again. Players need to go to Judy's to enquire information about Evelyn Parker and her whereabouts. After completing the "Double Life" main story, Judy will call V within 24 hours later to offers the "Both Sides, Now" side quest.

Complete all the assigned side quests to begin your relationship with Judy

Upon completing this side quest is completed, V will be getting more of them from Judy. So, keep your eyes on the phone for any incoming calls from Judy Alvarez if you want to 'speedrun' your romance.

Once all the side quests are completed, the final side quest called Pisces can be accessed. In this mission, players will have to make many time-based choices. If you want to start to explore the romantic side of Judy Alvarez, remember to refuse to go along with Maiko's plan, or refusing payment from Maiko.

Pick your poison!
Once that mission is complete, wait for another 24 hours in Cyberpunk 2077 to receive the Pyramid Song side quest from Judy. This is where players can finally meet Judy and things will get saucy! Well, in case you really like V, but your character is male, then you will have no luck in sparking a relationship with her. But the beauty about Cyberpunk 2077 is that the devs have worked it all out for you! There are many other NPCs in Night City for you to date.