Cyberpunk 2077 mission list contains one Prologue, one Epilogue, and three Acts with 42 missions. Some of those missions are pretty easy while many others are really challenging. Check out the full Cyberpunk 2077 story mission list below.
Table of Contents
Cyberpunk 2077 Main Mission List
Cyberpunk 2077 has three main Acts. Each Act has a number of missions.
Prologue Missions & Life Path/Origin Quests
There are three Life path quests, namely The Nomad, The Street Kid, and The Corpo. There are two other prologue missions named Practice Makes Perfect and the Rescue. Three life path quests of Cyberpunk 2077 dictate the background of the main character V in this game. They are also three stages of her life since she was still in the Nomad clan.

V used to live in a Nomad family and roam around the Night City - the main location of this game. After this life path job, you also do the Gigs and some side jobs. Then, the Street Kid takes place in the later stage of her life when she lived as street kids in the Night City. The last life path mission happened when she started to co-operate with the Arasaka corporation.
Act 1 Main Jobs
Act 1 of the game has five main jobs, including The Ripperdoc, The Ride, The Information, The Pickup, and The Heist. Love Like Fire is an Interlude quest unlocked when you complete all Act 1 main jobs and move to Act 2. This Act begins when the main character V first visits her flat after rescuing the net-runner Sandra Dorsett from the Scavengers.
V's flat is a rental apartment on the 8th floor of the Mega building H10 in the Little China sub-district in Night City. All these main quests of Act 1 are also limited in Watson District where her apartment is located. You will receive the Ripperdoc and the Ride quests from Jackie Welles. Then, the three other quests are given by Dexter DeShawn.
Act 2 Main Jobs
Act 2 has more missions than Act 1. There are up to eighteen main quests in this act. However, the game developers divided them into some paths base on the quest givers. Check out the full Cyberpunk 2077 mission list of Act 2 below.
- Playing for Time is the opening quest of this Act given by Goro Takemura. You will do this quest in multiple places in the Badlands district.
- Four main missions given by Evelyn Parker are Automatic Love, The Space in Between, Disasterpiece, and Double Life.
- There are three quests you will get from Soulkiller, including Map Tann Pèlen; I Walk the Line; and Transmission.
- The next quest, Never Fade Away, is given by Johnny Silverhand. He is also the quest giver of Tapeworm, the final main job in Act 2 after you have completed all Act 2 main quests.
- Anders Hellman will give you three next quests, including Ghost Town, Lightning Breaks, and Life During Wartime.
- Apart from the opening quest of Act 2, Goro Takemura also gives you the four next main jobs, namely Down on the Street, Gimme Danger, Play It Safe, and Search and Destroy.
These are all main quests in Act II of Cyberpunk 2077. There is no Interlude quest like in between Act 1 and Act 2.
Act 3 Main Quests
Act 3 is also a long act although it has fewer missions than Act 2. This ending quest has different ending missions for different characters. Here are all the main jobs of Act 3.
- Nocturne OP55N1 and Don't Fear the Reaper are two main jobs for all Cyberpunk 2077 players. While the Nocturne OP55N1 is the opening quest of Act 3, Don't Fear the Reaper is the ending quest of this act despite your ending choice.
- Arasaka's Ending: You need to complete three main jobs of this ending, including the Last Caress, Totalimmortal, and Where Is My Mind?
- Panam's Ending: This ending has four main jobs for you to complete, including the quest We Gotta Live Together, Forward To Death Knockin' On, Belly Of The Beast, and All Along The Watchtower.
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- Rogue's Ending: Apart from two main quests For Whom The Bell Tolls and Knockin' On Heaven's Door, you need to complete the Path of Glory and New Dawn Fades mission in the Epilogue quest list.
Those are all the main quests of Cyberpunk 2077. Besides, there are a lot of side quests with attractive rewards for gamers to collect.
Cyberpunk 2077 Best Side Quests
Here are the coolest and most exciting side quests of Cyberpunk 2077 with attractive structure and good rewards.
- Chippin' In and Riders on the Storm will affect the ending of the game.
- The Gun, Heroes, Machine Gun, Space Oddity, and Beat On The Brat are the five best side quests with the most attractive rewards. For example, you will get the legendary pistol named Dying Night for free after completing the Gun side mission. Besides, the key to Johnny's Arch is the attractive reward for the side quest Heroes. Then, you can get the powerful machine gun Skippy in the Machine Gun side quest.
There are many other interesting side jobs in Cyberpunk 2077 that you should do. Besides, all the story missions in this Cyberpunk 2077 mission list are compulsory to complete. You have no choice but to complete these main quests to go through the whole game story.
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