In Minecraft, you'll encounter many different creatures. Some are dangerous, while others can help you in battles. Friendly mobs like Axolotls are water creatures that assist in underwater fights. They come in five colors, and the Blue Axolotl is the rarest. Finding one is quite challenging. This guide will show you how to get a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft.
How to Get a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft

The Blue Axolotl is different from the other four creatures because you can only get it by breeding. Here’s what you’ll need:
- Axolotl x 2
- Tropical Fish x 2
- Breeding Pool x 1
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Finding Axolotls
To start breeding, you need to catch two Axolotls. They can be any color—pink, brown, gold, or cyan—and you can find them in the Lush Caves biome. This is where they naturally live, and you can collect them using a bucket.
Catching Tropical Fish
Tropical Fish are common sea creatures in the sandbox game which can be found in Mangrove Swamp, Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Lukewarm Ocean, Warm Ocean, or Lush Caves.
To explore these areas, you’ll need a boat. Also, be sure to have buckets with you because you’ll need two buckets of Tropical Fish to feed the Axolotls while breeding.
Building a Breeding Pool
Lastly, you should set up a Breeding Pool so your Axolotls can breed quickly. To do this, place water source blocks on the ground and build walls around the pool. Make sure the walls are one block higher than the water level.
If you don’t build the wall one block higher, Axolotls might escape into nearby oceans or other water bodies. Also, it’s a good idea to place your pool near an area where Tropical Fish are easy to find. This will help you feed the Axolotls quickly without wasting time.
Once your pool is set up, put the Axolotls inside and add the buckets of Tropical Fish. The chance of getting a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft is still quite low, but by breeding more Axolotls, you can improve your chances of finding one.
Last but not least, Minecraft players can also use the command /summon axolotl ~ ~ ~ {Variant:4} to directly spawn a Blue Axolotl without needing to breed.
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