Trapdoors are useful solid blocks that players can craft and use in Minecraft. They are best used on the floor instead of doors, but there are a lot of alternative uses for them. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything you need to know about Trapdoors in Minecraft 1.19 and how to get them.

1. How to get a Trapdoor in Minecraft

All trapdoors can be placed down vertically and horizontally, on top of solid blocks or left floating on their own. Depending on how you have placed it, the trapdoor will place itself on the top or bottom part of a block.

The direction the trapdoor opens also depends on its placement; place it on top of the block and the door will open down, place it on the bottom and it will open upward.

Trapdoors and doors made from various types of wood.

Where do trapdoors generate?

These items are not that common in the world of Minecraft. Most types of trapdoors can be found in shipwrecks. Specifically:

  • Oak trapdoors generate as in villages, igloos, and shipwrecks.
  • Acacia trapdoors generate in shipwrecks.‌[Bedrock Edition only]
  • Spruce trapdoors generate in taiga villages and shipwrecks.
  • Dark oak trapdoors generate in shipwrecks.
  • Iron trapdoors generate in ancient cities.
  • Jungle trapdoors generate in desert villages (around composters) and shipwrecks.

To acquire trapdoors, players can just mine them with a pickaxe. For wooden trapdoors, the Axe has a better breaking time.

Minecraft Wooden Trapdoor Recipe

Crafting a wooden trapdoor is fairly easy. It only requires you to have 6 of the same wooden plank blocks and arrange them in a rectangle on the crafting table. However, players need to use the same type of wood to make a trapdoor - different wood cannot be mixed.

This recipe will yield 2 trapdoors.

This is because each type of wood in the game can be made into a trapdoor, and they all have unique designs and colors. Currently, there are 11 different trapdoor designs available: Oak, Birch, Spruce, Acacia, Jungle, Dark Oak, Mangrove, Crimson, Warped, Bamboo and Iron.

Different trapdoor designs will fit different builds.

Minecraft Iron Trapdoor Recipe

Crafting an iron trapdoor is a bit more expensive, as you need 4 iron ingots for just one trapdoor. Players might need to farm a lot of iron if they want to get enough of these doors for their build.

At least the smaller size allow iron trapdoors to be crafted right in your inventory - a crafting table is unneeded.

This recipe is enough for just 1 trapdoor.

The difference between wooden and iron trapdoors is the way you open them. Wooden trapdoors can be opened by simply right clicking on them.

Iron trapdoors, on the other hand, work similarly to iron doors. They need to be activated by redstone power in order to open. This can be done with a button, pressure plate, or a lever.

2. Best uses for Trapdoors in Minecraft

Anti Zombie Door

Players can use them as an alternative to a wooden door. The advantage of this is that unlike a wooden door, zombies will not attempt to break down a trap door, effectively making your house zombie-free. This is very useful in hard difficulty and above, where zombies can be a problem early on.

Create a drawbridge using trapdoors.


This is the main use for trapdoors - players can build traps by placing lava or water underneath trapdoors and wiring redstone circuits and pressure plates to them. These contraptions are very effective against mobs or other players.

It is best to pick spruce or dark oak trapdoors as they blend with the ground.

Building and decorating

Players can pretty much put a trapdoor on any surface, which make them great decoration items. It's possible to create a functional and good-looking bardoor. Also, putting closed trapdoor beyond a furnace creates oven with burners. Trapdoors used above a hopper or a water-filled cauldron can form a toilet... etc.

All kinds of decorations can be made using trapdoors.

Additionally, trapdoors can be used in order to stop water flow. They act as a barrier for water and can obstruct its flow whether they are ‘opened’ or ‘closed’. Because of that, players can use trapdoors in builds with water.

Mob Spawner Trap

The AI within mobs (both passive and hostile) do not recognize open trapdoors as holes, making them vulnerable to them falling off cliffs. This is a technique used in mob spawner traps to lure them into a collection zone.

Retractable Stairs

You can make retractable stairs with trapdoors. Basically, you need a staircase of trapdoors, with the "hinge" on the wall, and a channel in the wall next to it for the Redstone wire. A lever can then be used at the top and/or bottom to extend or retract the staircase.

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