The brand new survival-action game Tribes of Midgard has been taking the world by storm. It draws inspiration from Norse mythology, featuring Giants, Dark Elves, and everything in between. You can choose to fend off these creatures from destroying the Seed of Yggdrasil alone, or with a party of up to 10 players. But be warned, this is not the game you want to play solo.

Defend your village against the wrath of titans and hell-things.

Tribes of Midgard is best to enjoy with friends. There's actually a deep strategy involved with different class combinations and intricate teamwork. Though the difficulty does scale up according to the number of players, you'll still find it a little easier playing with a party.

However, you cannot party up with friends using a different platform than yours. Yep, cross-platform play is not available in Tribes of Midgard.

Tribes Of Midgard Doesn't Support Cross-Platform Play

Unfortunately, Tribes of Midgard does not support crossplay, at least for now. It is very likely that the action-survival title will add the feature in the near future. How near will it be? Well, we don't know.

Cross-play isn't available in Tribes of Midgard.

A developer of the game took to r/tribesofmidgard to answer a curious Redditor's crossplay question, two months before release. He clarified that Tribes of Midgard would not have cross-play at launch. However, Norsfell Games will definitely add the feature and would update the community when it's live.

Norsfell Games is a fairly new and small developer. So it's great to see that they're taking players' demands seriously. There was no indication as to why crossplay could not be made possible at the launch of Tribes of Midgard. It's unlikely to be Sony's stance on cross-platform play support, as the company recently opened up about crossplay games appearing on PS4 and PS5.

Tribes Of Midgard Does Support Cross-Gen Play

Players who own PS4 and PS5 can enjoy Tribes of Midgard together. It's bad news for portable gaming fans though. Tribes of Midgard developers seem to have no plan for the Switch. We haven't come across any hope-giving Reddit comments that indicate a Switch port is in development.

The lack of cross-play may sway some players from purchasing the game. But it doesn't negate the fact that Tribes of Midgard is a fun title to play, whether solo or with friends. With that said, the more the merrier. Playing with teammates will definitely help you unlock new Tribes of Misgard classes much more efficiently.

The game does support cross-gen gaming, though.

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