Manor Lords, a medieval city-building game, made its debut on Steam and PC Game Pass last month. During its opening weekend, the game attracted over 170K players, demonstrating its global appeal. By the end of its launch day, Manor Lords had sold 1M units, affirming its popularity among Steam users who had eagerly awaited its release. Since then, it has maintained a "very positive" rating on Steam and continues to sell steadily.

Manor Lords has maintained a "very positive" rating on Steam.

Watch the launch trailer here:

Three weeks post-release, Manor Lords achieved a remarkable milestone of 2M units sold, as announced by its publisher, Hooded Horse, on Twitter. This feat is particularly noteworthy given that the game was solely developed by Greg Styczeń, the founder of Slavic Magic. While Manor Lords is currently in Early Access, likely priced lower than its final version, Hooded Horse has assured regular discounts, potentially further driving sales in the future.

The triumph of Manor Lords has prompted the developer to issue updates, taking into consideration feedback from players regularly. Early Access titles typically encounter more bugs or glitches compared to fully released games, yet players are often more forgiving, recognizing the ongoing development process. In certain instances, these bugs can even enhance a game's visibility as players share their experiences on social media platforms, such as the Manor Lords glitch that propels characters skyward.

In a recent update for Manor Lords, developers introduced "The King's Tax," an extra levy players must pay to the monarchy. Currently, failing to pay incurs no penalties, but the developer has indicated plans for future patches where non-payment of this tax will prompt the king's army to target those in defiance, turning them into adversaries.

Fans can anticipate promising developments in this medieval city builder/strategy game. Slavic Magic has expressed its intention to maintain the game in Early Access for a year, ensuring steady growth and expansion, much to the delight of both seasoned players and newcomers to Manor Lords. Additionally, the developer has affirmed its efforts to bring the game to Xbox in the near future, although an exact release date has not yet been announced.

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