Experience or EXP is actually pretty important in Minecraft. While having no direct effect on the player character, it can be used to enhance their equipment through enchanting, or by using an anvil to repair, rename, or combine enchantments on equipment. Experience also recovers durability on equipped items with Mending.

This is why an EXP farm is needed if you plan on using these features. In this article, we are going to showcase the best Minecraft structures to build EXP farms.

1. Dungeons

Dungeons, one of the smallest structures in Minecraft, is actually one of the most useful. This is because there is always a monster spawner spawned at the center of every Dungeon. There are 3 variants of spawners: spider, zombie, and skeleton, with the last one being the most common.


After locating a dungeon, players can easily create a simple XP/Gear farm. Mob spawner farms such as a skeleton farm can provide you with infinite EXP and materials for your enchanting table or anvil.

2. Nether fortress

Nether Fortresses are one of the most dangerous locations in Minecraft. However, in order to get the best end game gear, players should build an EXP farm here. There are Blazes and Wither skeletons spawn in the structure, and both have useful drops.

Nether fortress

Blazes yield blaze rods that can be made into blaze powders. They can in turn be used to fuel brewing stands, brew strength potions, and make eyes of ender to take the player to the End. Wither skeleton skulls can be used to summon a wither, which is a super powerful boss in Minecraft.

3. Swamp hut

Swamp huts are the best place to farm witches in Minecraft. Besides the EXP, you can also get decent materials such as redstone dust, glowstone dust, sticks, and more. Overall, if you want to get something other than just EXP, this farm is probably for you.

Swamp hut

Witches have the largest loot table of any mob in the game.  Swamp huts generate fairly frequently in swamp biomes.

4. Ocean monument

The Ocean monument is the main spawn spot for Guardians and Elder Guardians, who drop prismarine and cod. The best part about these mobs is that their spawn rate is ludicrously high - players can get a lot of EXP in just a few minutes.

Ocean monument

Most guardian EXP farms in the past needed players to dig out a big chunk of the ocean, but the introduction of bubble columns in 1.13 update aquatic, changed the whole way that farms were made in Minecraft. Now players can just use bubble columns to push the mobs to the surface.

5. Pillager outposts

Pillager outposts are great structures to create illager EXP farms. Players can easily create an EXP farm from this while getting the various drops like Emeralds or crossbows. However, the biggest benefit from this is the Bad Omen interaction - players can kill the illager captains to get the free Bad Omen buff to trigger a raid farm.

Pillager outposts

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