HomeBearStudio made an announcement earlier today that one of its Point n Click game title - Nairi: Tower of Shirin - is going to be released this November. You can find the latest trailer of the game below this article. The game will be available on both PC as well as Nintendo Switch.

The release date for both two version is the same. Hound Picked Games, the publishers of the title that teased its gameplay footage some point earlier this May - Battle Princess Madelyn - will also publish Nairi: Tower of Shirin Launch.

In this game, players will find themselves controlling titular Nairi who is described as a very young girl that lives in a lower neighborhood in a city controlled by gangs. One day, she encounters an old member of a gang whose name is Rex. They both work in order to reveal a dark secret. The mystery they are trying to solve has something to do with the Tower full of mystery located in Shirin - an oasis city.

A scene in the game

Both the characters as well as the locations in the game are featured with hand-drawn art. The game also offers many puzzles for players to solve throughout the narrative of the game. You can collect many items and later trade of combining them to construct fascinating items that will come in useful in hard times. The game is localized in many languages such as German, English, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Traditional and Simplified Chinese.

NAIRI: Tower of Shirin Launch Trailer

Joshua van Kuilenburg, the founder of the famous HomeBearStudio made a comment about the game:

“It’s been an exciting and creative time for the team developing a game with not only with a unique setting, and strong and endearing cast, but one inspired by many facets, including Japanese anime but also Disney Pixar. A synergy with so many ideas, strong storyline, and tantalizing puzzles, plus appealing to a wide audience with compelling gameplay has been our goal. We believe that we have achieved this through our love of the adventure genre. We wanted to offer something a little bit special – NAIRI: Tower of Shirin – is the result.”

We have all seen the trailer of this title since June. At the same time, the demo version for PC was also released. However, the latest trailer enclosed below will give us more detail about the official release date. The trailer also reveals how Switch players are going to be capable of using the Joy-Con’s to try the game out. They can play the game normally using the Joy-Con’s, the touchscreen. They can even turn the Joy-Con into a pointer to play the game.

A simple in-game controlling instruction for Nintendo users

The game will be released on the 29th of November 2018. Nairi: ToS will be available for both PC players and Nintendo Switch users at the same time.