Grand Theft Auto, or GTA for short, is a massive game series developed by Rockstar Games. The famous sequence has gone a long way since its first introduction back in 1997. GTA V, the latest playable edition of the game, attracts more than one million players worldwide with its interestingly new features. Online play of GTA 5 is probably the biggest factor why the game’s so popular. If you’re a newbie to the GTA 5 Online, then definitely read on to learn everything you need to build your very own underground empire.
What is the online play of GTA 5
GTA Online is a popular multiplayer online game developed in tandem with GTA 5. It was conceived to give players unique experiences in a constantly evolving world. Up to 30 players (on current-gen consoles and PC, less on PS3 and Xbox 360) can roam freely on the familiar single-player map and enter different lobbies to complete jobs or heists. Upon finishing the missions, there will be rewards in the form of in-game cash and experience. Players can also create custom jobs, compete with other crews to gain points, and increase their online rankings.

You can pretty much call the online play for GTA 5 the customizable multiplayer version of the game. It enables more selection in terms of character creation to make you stand out from the crowd. Similar to the single-player mode, players can gain experience from missions to enhance their character’s attributes. Leveling up also unlocks weapons, clothing items, car customizations, and other activities.
If you’re traveling around this open-world of online play for GTA 5 alone, you’re making yourself an easy target for others to hunt. So joining or creating a crew of brotherhood to fight along your side is always recommended.
Complete the tutorial for the online play of GTA 5
In order to join online GTA 5 to play, you’ll first need to finish the tutorial. It should be available for you to choose after completing the Prologue of the main single-player story. The tutorial may take one hour. To access the tutorial, open the Online menu tab and choose the Play GTA Online option. Here, the game will direct you to create your online character before sending you to San Andreas to learn the ropes.

This is a crucial step if you want to survive the world of GTA Online. It’ll teach you everything you need to get the gist of the game and choose a suitable path.
Things you should do in the online play of GTA 5
Get a nice ride
The first thing you should do after logging onto GTA Online is finding a car. It’ll be your ride until you save up enough money for a new one, so take your time. Don’t rush to a random car on the street. Look for a decent car since you won’t be able to find premium ones right off the bat like in single-player.

Then, save up $2,000 to buy a tracker from any Los Santos Customs shop. It’s like an ownership license of the vehicle, which lets you easily recover it should it’s lost. Insurance is also a must-have, considering that you’re playing with others who may damage or even destroy your ride.
Locked and loaded
A good gun’s essential if you want to rule the online play GTA 5 games. The online city of Los Santos is criminal heaven, filled with scum and villainy - a place where you don’t want to walk around with only a semi-auto pistol. So, get your self equipped with a nice piece of weaponry for both defense and offense purposes. Remember, the best gun for you isn’t necessarily the most expensive one you can afford. It should be the gun that you’re most effective with.

Earn some money
In-game cash is the currency you’ll use to trade for every item in the online play GTA 5 games. Now, there are two ways you can get your hands on some money, the easy way, or the hard way.
- The easy way: Small cash from selling stolen cars. One of the go-to options to earn money for new players in GTA Online is stealing cars. It’s the safest way to earn $4,500 per day, maybe more if you get a good sell. The best cars to steal are SUVs and Coupes, they’re always in demand. Also, remember to check your phones regularly for Simeon’s text. Delivering the exact vehicle he orders will grant you some decent cash.
- The hard way: Go robbing for big cash. The best way to make money fast and efficiently is by robbing places. Get yourself a facemask before knocking off stores in Los Santos to avoid being recognized. This method is risky, but it comes with a higher reward. You can earn up to $40,000 daily if things go smoothly. Stealing a helicopter and use it as a getaway ride will add more fun to the game.

Buy a garage
A garage enables you to store cars and access them easily whenever you log on GTA 5 online to play. The last thing you want to do is leaving our precious rides outside when you’re offline. Remember to sign up for Rockstar’s Social Club to get a free Elegy RH8 after purchasing the first garage.

Spread your reputation
If you want to play online game of GTA 5, then building your reputation is crucial. Reputation (RP) can be used to level up the character’s attributes and increase your ability. There are many ways to achieve RP. You can engage in a chase-off with the police, complete jobs, or help other players. Don’t run around like a total maniac killing everyone you see since it greatly subtracts your RP.

Tips for online play of GTA 5
Always deposit your cash
We can’t stress enough how important cash is to comfortably play online game of GTA 5. It’s never a great idea roaming about with a load of money in your pockets, both in-game and in real life. You will drop a hefty chunk of it if whacked by other players. So, remember to pull out your phone to make an electronic deposit right after earning some. You can also use ATMs to do this, but the phone is far more convenient.

Instant car recovery
When your car’s miles and miles away and you don’t feel like going all the way over there, whip out your phone to do a quick job. Your ride should immediately appear on your side. Now just cancel the job and get on with whatever you plan to.
Save your game
Don’t just instantly quit online play of GTA 5, it can cause data loss and your whole progress might be discarded. Instead, press Start, select GTA Online, and then hit “Leave”. It’ll make a hard save wherever you’re on the map.

Is online play GTA 5 free?
Sadly, the answer is no. You can play the single-player world with the pirated version of GTA 5, but you can’t do the same with GTA Online. You must buy the game from Rockstar to use this feature. If you force your way in and try online play GTA 5 free, your account will be permanently banned.
That concludes our in-depth beginner guide to the online play of GTA 5. It’s fun, interactive, and dynamic. You will never run out of things to do in the multiplayer online world. So what are you waiting for? Get your friends, form your crew, and rule the underground in GTA Online. For more information, tips, and tricks about gaming, visit our website at