Apex Legends' Pathfinder may not look like it, but he is one of the most mobile characters in the game. Pathfinder’s abilities, especially his Grappling Hook, are rather hard to use - his skillset greatly rewards skilled players who can make use of the unexpected angles and surprise flanks during fights.

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A guide for Pathfinder, one of the best character in Apex Legend

Pathfinder Apex Legends abilities list:

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Pathfinder's abilities and what they do

Tactical ability: Grappling Hook

Name: Grappling Hook

Cooldown: 13s

Description: Grapple to get to out-of-reach places quickly.

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Catch your enemy with the grappling hook

Apex Legends Pathfinder guide of Grappling Hook:

Releases a grappling hook that will pull you to the first solid object it hits. It can also attach to players, pulling the two of you together.

When your hook connects to an object, you will experience a slight push towards that direction. It can be used for tactical positioning by swinging.

While being an extremely useful tool for repositioning or mobilization, grappling hook can also be used for flanking and escaping. Due to the fact that both you and your opponent can continue shooting while the hook is retracting, a good Pathfinder player would

make use of that and delete the enemy before the pull animation complete. It can also be canceled at any time by pressing the crouch button.

Passive ability: Insider Knowledge

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How the beacon works

Name: Insider Knowledge

Description: Scan a survey beacon to reveal the Ring's next location.

Apex Legends Pathfinder guide of Insider Knowledge:

With this ability, you can access the survey beacon to predict where the Ring is going to appear next. You are vulnerable for a few seconds when accessing the beacon.

Ultimate ability: Zipline Gun

Name: Zipline Gun

Charge Time:  90 seconds

Description: Create a zipline for everyone to use.

Pathfinder Apex Legends Ultimate Guide:

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Zipline gun and its uses

Create a zipline between two locations that everyone could use. It is a very versatile ability. You can use it to get to usually unreachable positions, escaping a hot zone such as the Ring or just repositioning quickly on the map. You can't use it to get out of the map or climb on its edge, however.

You can interrupt the Zipline animation by selecting any other weapon, item or ability.

Be mindful that the enemy can also use the Zipline! Don't get caught with your pant down by your own ability. However, you can also use this ability to set up an ambush for an enemy squad using the zipline after your escape and turn the table on them.

How to make the most of Pathfinder Apex Legends Abilities:

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A good Pathfinder is always on the move

Finally, let’s finish up with some more general tips and tricks on winning Apex Legends matches as Pathfinder.

Try to find opportunities to flanks and making aggressive plays. With Pathfinder, you should try to take advantage of your mobility at any opportunities.

Try to move constantly to negate Pathfinder's hitbox weakness. Your main way to defense is grapple, swing, slide, jump.... don't let the enemy get you clear on their fire path.

Use the Grappling Hook as much as possible to get familiarize with it. It is a crucial part of Pathfinder's identity - and mastering it is a must for any aspiring Pathfinder player.

Try to rush ahead of your team to do some scouting and reveal enemy movements. Pathfinder can escape anytime with his ultimate.

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