Gacha Thursday is the weekly stream of Japanese developers on their new or currently-in-development title. And in their stream last Thursday, the developer P-Studio and Omega Force have given us a whole 20-minute look at the gameplay of its latest project - Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers.

Apart from the brief introduction at the exploration in the Sapporo city, the stream mainly focuses on its innovative combats, which has made a huge jump from the traditional turn-based style of the Persona series to the modern real-time hack-n-slash style.

You can see the trailer below for details:

What's new in this stream

We've given you a brief summary on the story of the game as well as some gameplay features of Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers. You can check for it here for more information, but basically, it's the crossover of the Persona series from Atlus and Koei Techmo's top-seller Dynasty Warriors series, taking place in summer 6 months after the story of Persona 5.

Joker and other Phantom Thieves of Hearts make another journey 6 months after Persona 5

Hence, it has packed in the story, characters and concept of Persona but portrays them like a Dynasty Warriors game. To be more specific, the trailer shows us a quick tour through the crowded city of Sapporo, where you can interact with a wide range of NPC. And suddenly, the main protagonist Joker received notification about the invade from the Other World, and it's time for the Phantom Thieves of Heart to make their strike.

The main part of the game will take place in the Other World

The stream quickly switches to combats in the Other World. That's where the Dynasty Warriors-style hack-n-slash begins. The developer has done a great job making the movement of the characters look very smooth with eye-popping animation.

The boss battles look dope!

For example, Joker has a double jump and is incredibly fast, allowing him to perform a powerful ground-bash. Apart from that, players can also combine the light attacks with the strong ones to pull out satisfying combos. Last but not least. At the end of the mission around 9:00 mark, you can find the powerful Musou-like attacks as well, and it's very satisfying.

Featuring the one-vs-many features of Dynasty Warriors in Persona's style!

Release date and supported platforms of Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers

We still don't have a specific release date of Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers worldwide yet. However, Japanese players will be able to receive the game on February 20, so we should not have to wait much longer after that.

At launch, it's confirmed to support PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.