The C4 has been leaked from a very long time ago but was never revealed until now. PUBG just officially announced the 7.3 Update, which is coming to the Test Servers of PUBG tomorrow.

The 7.3 Update will bring PUBG new changes to vehicles, a new C4 weapon, and a few other changes.

Vehicle changes

Vehicles are getting a huge buff in this upcoming patch of PUBG. Vehicles will no longer explode right away when running out of HP. Instead, the engine will be set on fire and the vehicle will explode 5 seconds later. But there are exceptions such as the Red Zone and the C4 which will explode a vehicle instantly. Vehicles won't take damage when they are rolled over.

The damage vehicles take will be various in each area. The front area which has the engine takes 100% damage. The body area takes 75% damage. The roof area takes 50% damage. This means vehicles are now tanker, especially when running away.

Vehicles in PUBG will take less damage in the back and on the roof

New Weapon: C4

C4 will be the most powerful explosive weapon ever in PUBG. It has an effective radius of 25 meters, as large as an entire block. Unlike Frag Grenade, which you can just hide behind any obstacle to avoid it, the C4 can deal damage through covers. As long as you are in its radius, there is no way you can avoid it.

The C4 is heavy so you can't carry many of them as well as throw it far away. It can stick to any surface other than players. After deploying, it will start making "beep" sounds and explode after 16 seconds. Make sure you are not inside its impact radius when it explodes. If you no longer hear the beep sounds, you are no longer inside the impact radius of the C4.

C4 is coming to PUBG

The impact radius of the C4 is 25 meters and the lethal radius is 15 meters.

You can find the C4 randomly around the world and in airdrops on Erangel, Miramar, Vikendi, and Sanhok.

This is a true game-changer weapon as it can force every single player in a 25 meters area to move away or die and there is no way to get around that. This is the ultimate weapon to fight campers who hide in buildings in city areas.

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