Rockstar Games is now hiring more people, hinting that they are finding people to work on GTA 6. Specifically, they are hiring an Animation System Programmer for large open-world character-based games. They also stress that they are focusing on making character animation for the next-generation console.

This is easy to understand as both PlayStation and Xbox are going to release their new consoles PS5 and Xbox Scarlett next year in the holiday season. Of course, this might not be for GTA 6 but for Red Dead Redemption or Bully. GTA Online is working great with the Casino update so GTA 6 might have to wait for a little bit longer but who knows?

Rockstar Games is looking for people who can work with advanced animation systems for large open world character-based game

This notification was posted by Rockstar North in Edinburgh, one of the main studios of the GTA series. Previously, Rockstar Games was also hiring an Environment Artist, who will help them create the biggest open world environment in the gaming industry.

There is a chance that they are hiring people to develop Red Dead Redemption or Bully

What we know about GTA 6 so far

Rockstar Games never reveal any detail about GTA 6. There is nothing but rumors

Rockstar Games has been very secretive about the details of GTA 6. But here are all the rumors about the game:

  • The game will be set in the 1970s - 1980s.
  • There will be only one male protagonist named Ricardo, who wants to be a drug lord.
  • The codename of GTA 6 is PROJECT AMERICAS.
  • Rockstar Games is mostly focused on GTA 6 and another game now.
  • There will be 2 locations in the game, Vice City and a new fictional place based on  Rio de Janeiro.
  • GTA 6 might be coming out inAugust 2020 based on the delay between previous GTA games.