Minecraft's 1.19 The Wild Update is here, bringing a plethora of new exciting new content to the game. Amongst them, the sculk blocks are probably the most curious additions - they revolve around movement and sound-based mechanics. With these blocks, players can add new Redstone functionality to their farms and builds. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything you need to know about sculk in Minecraft 1.19.
1. How to get Minecraft Sculk blocks?
Locate the Deep Dark biome
All these blocks have the same color scheme (deep green/black) and can only be found in the new Deep Dark biome. This biome only spawns below Y level 0 - players must mine down as far as they can, then dig sideways until they find the biome.

They often generate connections to caves, which means searching the naturally generated caves in the overworld can be a good idea. Lastly, if players are too lazy and have cheats enabled, they can just type /locatebiome minecraft:deep_dark in the console to get the coordinates of the closes biome.
How to mine Sculk blocks?
To get Sculk blocks, players need to break them using a tool with the silk touch enchantment to pick up the block as an item. As the block is similar to dirt, a gold hoe is the fastest tool you can use to break them. On the other hand, if you break any Sculk block without a silk touch tool, it would simply disappear and turn into experience orbs.
There used to be more types of sculk but they were scrapped in development.

2. Key features of Sculk Blocks
Sculk blocks are fireproof and can’t catch fire even from lava. There are five types of sculk blocks in Minecraft 1.19 and each of them has a unique appearance and mechanics:
This is the most basic block in Ancient City. Overall, players can use it for decorative or building purposes, as it has an iconic dark texture that no other blocks in Minecraft have. The block is perfect for dark or horror-based Minecraft house ideas.

However, if you don't want to gather the block, breaking them provides a decent amount of XP.
Sculk Sensor
As its name suggests, Sculk Sensor works like a sensor. It detects vibrations in a 9-block radius and sends out Redstone signals. Other Redstone components, sculk shrieker, and the Warden can pick up these signals and act upon them. Even a small vibration can trigger the sensor - from gliding with an elytra or placing a block.

However, while sneaking, a player is not detected when walking, falling, or shooting a projectile. Overall, sculk sensors are the most useful block added in this update, allowing players to incorporate sounds and movement into their Redstone builds.
Sculk Shrieker
The sculk shrieker is a block you should stay away from. Similar to the sculk sensor, it also detects vibrations. However, instead of releasing Redstone signals, it makes a shrieking sound. Multiple shriekers can be triggered at the same time.

Every time the sculk shrieker activates, it inflicts the Darkness effect to all players within 40 blocks, alongside 1 hidden "warning" level. A warden is summoned after triggering the shrieker for the fourth time. Take note that the sculk shrieker attempts to spawn a warden after its shrieking ends, or immediately if the player breaks the shrieker. Therefore, if it is already triggered, just run instead of breaking the block.
The "warning level" reduce by 1 every 1o minutes and is based on the player instead of the individual sculk shrieker. This means triggering multiple different sculk shriekers would summon a warden.

Sculk Catalyst
The sculk catalyst's role is to spread sculk every time a mob dies close to it. This only works if the mob drop experience on death. The sculk features spawned are usually normal sculk blocks and veins, but you can sometimes find other blocks like sensor or shrieker.

As all types of Sculk blocks drop experience, the sculk catalyst can make your XP farm even more efficient. The strength of the sculk spreading depends on the amount of experience the mob has dropped when it was killed by a player or wolf. Several sculk charges may end up on the same block and merge, up to 1000 XP per block.
Sculk Vein
Sculk veins are decorative items that can be attached to other solid blocks. You can use them to make your base look better, as they also have a constant twinkling effect. Players can get Sculk veins pretty reliably from sculk catalysts.
Additionally, the way they cover other blocks subtly hints at their "corruption" nature.

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