After a lot of speculations, rumors, and leaks, Sony has finally revealed that it won’t be a part of E3 2020. While the PlayStation might still make appearances as a demo system for third party products, Sony itself would stay away from E3. This is the 2nd year in a row that the company has decided to not held an E3 section. To replace these events, Sony would hold multiple consumer events all around the world, which also aims to bring together the fanbase of the PlayStation.

In an interview, a Sony official revealed that the reason they stopped participating in events like the E3 is that they disagree with the vision of ESA (E3’s organizer).

2020 is going to be a big year for the company, and it just makes sense that they would choose to distance themselves from multi-company events like the E3. With a single platform dedicated to only one thing, they would definitely be able to gather more attention to whatever they have to offer.
This announcement also lines up with Jim Ryan’s statements during CES 2020 about their new focus on the PlayStation community. While no outline for the PS5 reveal was given, there is more than enough hype for this kind of event from Sony, as they have been building up for this in years. These events are definitely bad news for E3, as they definitely need Sony’s support while Sony clearly can stand on its own. This could be the event’s final stand, as it has been struggling for a while to compete with various new mechanics such as streaming or the like.
Sony also hasn’t really expanded on what exactly those “hundreds of consumer events around the world” is, however, we definitely can make an educated guess. The Experience PlayStation event that is going to be held in New York next month could definitely be a start of the chain, as it was marketed to be a celebration for the brand’s 25th year. Interested in more of our articles related to video games? Please check this post out for the top 10 longest RPGs.