Vehicles are one of the main gameplay components in GTA Online. While players usually replace their cars with every new patch, the following five are usually always remain in the player's arsenal for questing and PVP.

These utility vehicles have a lot of features that support combat, and in this article, we are going to showcase the 5 most useful utility vehicles in GTA Online 2022.

1. Terrorbyte

The Terrorbyte is a large command truck that serves primarily as an operational hub for all 8 business types; Vehicle Cargo, Special Cargo, M/C Club Businesses (Weed, Cocaine, Meth, Counterfeit Cash), Supplies and Air Freight Cargo, alongside Paige's Client Jobs. Managing all business from a single location saves a lot of time and effort.


Players can upgrade the Terrorbyte with a multi-lock missile batter, drone station, weapon workshop and specialized workshop. Players need this truck to upgrade the Oppressor Mk2. Furthermore, it is the only vehicle that can be upgraded and stored in this area.

2. Oppressor Mk2

This is a vehicle that most GTA Online players hate to face. The Oppressor Mk2 is a hoverbike that fires homing missiles. It allows players to travel from place to place, ignoring terrains while having a powerful weapon system on hand.

Oppressor Mk2

The Oppressor Mk2 is usually used by griefers, however, players can definitely use it for non-griefing purposes such as doing jobs. Practice might be needed in order to use the weapon more effectively.

3. Toreador

The Pegassi Toreador is a custom submersible sports car featured in GTA Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update. Similar to the Oppressor, it is also a multipurpose vehicle, with the ability to dive underwater at a moment's notice.


The best part about this car is its rocket boost system that allows players to move around faster than most underwater vehicles. On top of that, the Toreador also has a decent homing rocket system that deals decent damage when used correctly.

4. Sparrow

Helicopters are one of the most popular vehicle types in the game, which allows mobility and ease of control. Amongst helicopters, the Sparrow is probably the best, with the highest flying speed in its class.


It weapon system is also not something to be overlooked. Unlike the usual vehicle that has a limited missile count, the sparrow can fire unlimited missiles. Players can store the plane inside the Kosatka submarine.

The pilot can select to use "homing" or "homing off" missiles. With the second mode, the missiles will fire at the middle of the crosshair, allowing a skilled pilot to hit targets more easily.

5. Armoured Kuruma

The Armoured Kuruma is probably the vehicle that all GTA players have ridden at least once. Overall, it is the most cost-efficient car for starters, available right after the Flecca Job Heist and can tank a lot of punishments.

Armoured Kuruma

When maxed out, its armored panels can even resist some explosive rounds from a Heavy Sniper Mk2.

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