Minecrafters can unlock some achievements when completing certain missions. However, some missions are very difficult to complete, so it's hard to unlock the attacked achievement. Let's check out the hardest achievements in Minecraft and learn the best tips to unlock them here.

#1. Adventuring Time

Minecrafters must travel to every biome in Minecraft at least once to unlock this achievement. Keep in mind that you have to visit over 30 biomes in this game. It may take time to complete this mission.

Therefore, you should use the Potions of Swiftness to reduce the time you have to use. It would be better to have an Elytra and lots of fireworks. Prepare these items to travel around quickly.

Adventuring Time may take you a long time to complete.

#2. The End

The End is also one of the most difficult missions to complete in Minecraft. You have to enter the End, fight off the Ender Dragon there, and bring it back to the overworld.

The best tip to complete this mission is good preparation. You must bring enchanted apples and some potions for healing and regeneration to use when fighting the dragon. In addition, enchanted armor and weapons also help you survive better and win faster.

Defeating the dragon is the most challenging mission to achieve The End.

#3. The Beginning

To unlock this achievement, you must defeat The Wither, which is one of the most dangerous and annoying bosses in Minecraft. You must find a safe place to spawn this boss. Do not use crossbows, bows, and tridents to attack The Wither when this boss enters the second phase.

The Wither is hard to defeat.

#4. Beaconator

Minecrafters have to make a full-sized Beacon pyramid. You have to stand next to the beacon until a beam of light is blasted into the sky. The difficulty of this mission is gathering materials for the Beacon pyramid. Iron blocks are the best choice for this device.

Build a small-sized Beacon pyramid to save materials.

#5. Return To Sender

You must go to the Nether to complete the mission for this achievement. Here's how to complete it.

  • Find a Ghast in the Nether
  • Wait until it fires fireballs at your character
  • Hit the Ghast in time to make its fireballs return to hit it.

Timing is an important skill to kill the Ghast with its own fireball. Besides, you need to use gears and potions to survive until the mission is completed.

Make the fireballs return to the Ghast.

#6. On A Rail

This is one of the most difficult and annoying missions in Minecraft. Minecrafters have to build a Minecart, place it on a long railway, and ride the cart for at least one kilometer which is 1000-block long. It's hard to gather materials for such as long rail.

On A Rail also requires lots of materials.

Many other hard Minecraft achievements require luck and a long time to complete. Try to complete these missions and unlock all achievements in this game.

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