Bumping into others while the train is passing by is extremely deadly in real life. However, in Unrailed!, you only have to suffer from utter anger and relationship destruction when doing so!

Unrailed! is coming for PC on Steam soon! Here's the chaotic trailer of rail builders bumping to each other, which you can check below:

There's only one level in Unrailed!

When I'm young, I always have to choose from building model trains with the boys and 'virtually' cooking with the girls. At those times, all I wanted was a way to play both of the things at the same time. And eventually, I meet Unrailed! It's the perfect example of when the chaotic experience in Overcooked! meets the construction master of Train Simulator!

Unrailed is the blocky mixture of Overcooked! and Train Simulator

Basically, Unrailed! is a multiplayer game with a colorful train running gradually in a blocky and ever-changing landscape. It's just a normal experience, except that the train will never stop running! It only violently derailed when it runs out of track!

That's where you step your foot in. You and three other friends will have to do anything to keep the train moving. In order to do that, you need to keep building rails for the train while making sure that it won't land on the hazardous environments. They include mountains, lakes, and even volcanos with pouring lava. You'll have to drive your track far from those areas to avoid getting wrecked.

Guide your train through this full-of-lava place!

And rails don't just come out from nowhere in this game. In fact, you and your friends have to relentlessly collect materials from the surroundings to build tracks. Luckily, the train doesn't run extremely fast at first, and you can still make it in time with teamwork. But with bad teamwork, well, you already know the results.

Teamwork is a very hard thing at some times

If you don't like working with others, you can work against the others! Unrailed! feature a versus mode, in which you will destroy your friends' rails instead of building your tracks!

There are two play modes in Unrailed!

That's the shenanigans that I've been finding!

Beta test available

Unrailed! is coming out for PC through Steam Early Access on September 9. However, if you can't wait for one more month, you can access the game's early stage right this moment.

The game's developer is providing a beta version through its official Discord server, which you can join in and set off the train now!