Final Fantasy fans can rejoice - after a lengthy 2 year wait, the hit action role playing game Final Fantasy XIII has finally made its appearance on Xbox Game Pass. From the 2nd of September, you can finally play as the titular characters Lightning, Hope and Snow as you journey across worlds and fight an array of daunting villains and monsters.

Final Fantasy Xiii
Final Fantasy XIII is available on Steam.

It was way back at the XO19 fan event - 2 years ago -  that Microsoft initially announced the hit Square Enix game was coming to it’s games on demand subscription service Game Pass - along with a whole host of other Final Fantasy games. But only a handful of the titles appeared on the service, with that few coming and going as the months went by, such as Final Fantasy XV and the fan favourite FF VII. But finally one of the biggest Final Fantasy games in the series, Final Fantasy XIII, has come to Game Pass.

But that’s not all that’s coming to Microsoft's service this month. Tonnes of games are making their debut but If casino style games such as roulette are more your thing and you want help with your strategy, be sure to visit

On PC and console, you can expect to see titles such as Craftopia, Signs of the Sojourner, Surgeon Simulator 2, Crown Trick, Nuclear Throne, The Artful Escape and many more, making for a great month for games who want to dabble in some different games and have had their eye on one of these titles for a while.

But it’s not all good news. With the arrival of these games, comes the departure of some that are already on Game Pass. One of the biggest games that’s disappearing from the service is Red Dead Online, the incredibly popular online part of Red Dead Redemption 2. This is leaving the service on the 13th of September, with these other titles leaving on the 15th: Company of Heroes, Disgaea 4, Forza Motorsport 7, Hotshot Racing, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resisitance Tactics and Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales.

Along with Final Fantasy XIII is the introduction of online version of Red Dead Redemption 2 named Red Dead Online.

With all being said and done, the first announcement of September's Game Pass titles wasn’t the most impressive thing Microsoft had announced in that month, but there’s a little something in there for most gamers. Many fans were incredibly excited to get back into Final Fantasy XIII and relived the adventure the first experienced all those years ago. 

If you’re brand new to Final Fantasy XIII, that’s all the more reason to give it a try! It’s been touted as one of the best in the series, with impressive and well thought out characters who are dripping with depth and charm. The visuals are absolutely top notch and the storyline keeps you glued to the screen. Add to that the updated battle system (which is far from perfect but still a step in the right direction) and you’ve got a cocktail for a great game.

Before the full Game Pass games roster for September was announced, Microsoft themselves are keeping extremely tight lipped about what else might come in the lineup. 

Some games which have been touted to be released are the intriguing stealth based game Aragami 2, arrived on September 16th. At the end of September, players also saw the release of Lemnis Gate, another incredibly fascinating game which focuses on short, 25 second time loops, tight shooting mechanics like Halo and turn based elements to add a layer of strategy.

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