On these days when Coronavirus pandemic spreads all over the world, staying at home is the most effective way to keep you safe. However, currently, the pandemic is still very complicated, so the lockdown time is longer and longer. Everyone is fed up with loafing around the house all day long, especially the children who are naturally very active and kittenish. Thus, the problem is how to keep them busy and happy without watching too much TV or digital content? Let’s check these 8 indoor games for kids at home to find ways to entertain your kids during the quarantine days.

Indoor games for kids at home are ways to keep your kids entertained during lockdown time

Dumb Charades

Dumb Charades may be on top of the most popular indoor games for kids at home. You can play the game easily by writing down words from different categories in a piece of paper. Then one person will see the word, and this person must use hand and gestures to describe the word without opening the mouth. The others will guess what the word is, and the one who has the exact answer will be the winner.

Dumb Charades may be on top of the most popular indoor games for kids at home

You can also watch the video below:

Musical Chairs

Another interesting game in the list of indoor games for kids at home is Musical Chairs. To play this game, firstly you form a circle of chairs, and the number of chairs will be one fewer than the number of players. For example, you have 5 players, so the number of chairs must be 4.

Another interesting game in the list of indoor games for kids at home is Musical Chairs

Then people will go around the circle of chairs when the music plays. As soon as the music stops, everyone must find a chair to sit down, and the one who can’t find a chair to sit is out. Remember to keep the number of chairs one fewer than the number of players. The winner is the one who can sit down on the last chair.

Hide And Seek

Hide and seek is also a popular game among indoor games for kids in lockdown. Most of us know how to play this game, right? So, try to find a place in the house to hide as much as you can to be the last one to be found, and you will be the winner!

Hide and seek is also a popular game among indoor games for kids in lockdown

Treasure Hunt

What’s more excited than following a treasure map to find the treasure? Hence, your children will absolutely like Treasure Hunt. Hide some objects (it is recommended to hide things your kids like) in a secret place, and draw a treasure map, or write the clues to get to the treasure on some pieces of paper. Then give them to your children and let them exercise their brains to find the treasure themselves. This game will surely give your children the most interesting experience than ever.

Make a treasure map for your children to follow


Ludo is one of the favorite indoor games for kids in India. To play this game you need a Ludo board. A dice is thrown to choose the one who starts the game. Then players will take turns in clockwise order, throw the dice until getting a 6-point one to start moving the pieces. Players must throw the dice to move their pieces from the starting circle to the “home”. Who has all the pieces at “home” first will be the winner.

Ludo is one of the favorite indoor games for kids in India

Watch the following video to know more about how to play this game:

Card games

The list of indoor games for kids at home will not be complete without card games. With a box of cards, your family can have a fun time together with different card games such as Go Fish, Snap, Rummy, Old maid, Slapjack, etc. Each game will bring your children different playing experiences and they will not be fed up with lockdown time anymore.

The list of indoor games for kids at home will not be complete without card games


Another suggestion for indoor games for kids during lockdown is Jenga. There will be a tower built by blocks. For each turn, a family member will pull out a block from the tower without collapsing it. The game will continue until the tower falls, and the one who makes the tower falls loses the game.

Paper and pencils games

Paper and pencils games are interesting and educational indoor games for kids at home. There are many games you can play with your children with paper and pencil such as X and O, hangman, building words, and dots and boxes, etc.

These games not only help your children to relax and have a fun time but also increase their mathematical and strategic thinking.

Other than playing games, you can make the lockdown time of your kids more significant by asking them to help you with doing house chores, cooking, or decorating the house. These activities can keep your entire family engaged and happy, and social isolation will not be bored anymore. Hope that the indoor games for kids at home that Gurugamer.com listed above can be useful for you to create a fun time for your kids during lockdown time.