Getting into video game streaming is considered to be a viable career path in 2020, but only if you know what you’re doing. Expert streamers who play around 40 hours per week can achieve fame and fortune in the community, but this requires time, dedication, and a solid plan of action. Indeed, there are plenty of streamers out there who don’t earn anything at all, and it can be easy to follow them down this path if you’re not careful. Gamers who feel like they could make a success of streaming on platforms like Twitch need to know a few things before getting started. If you tap into the right niche and are motivated enough, there’s no reason you can’t be as successful as the likes of Tfue and Nickmercs.

Twitch Streamers
Getting into video game streaming is considered to be a viable career path in 2020

Choose a Niche and Stick With It

There are so many different genres of the game on Twitch, viewers have a lot to choose from. Initially, someone wanting to view someone playing a game on the platform is likely to opt for a title they want to play or already play themselves. One of the reasons why the streaming site appeals to players is that they can get tips and advice on how to play games, or contribute to someone else’s playing of a game.

With that in mind, the viewer is likely to find a streamer they like watching because that person is playing a game that they are interested in. If that streamer chops and changes and plays other titles, the viewer may be inclined to move to another streamer who only plays the title they want to watch.

There are hundreds of categories on Twitch to choose from. Aspiring streamers should try to pick a genre that is popular but not overly saturated with other better-established streamers. For example, games like League of Legends and Fortnite have a vast number of popular names already. The former has roughly 102,000 viewers, while the latter has 62,700.

One area which could become more lucrative in the years ahead is slots. Online slots are constantly evolving which means there are plenty of exciting and original games for streamers to play like Golden Goddess and Triple Diamond. There is an audience for this type of play as well, with 8400 viewers already on the platform. Viewers find it useful to see other players test out new slots and bonuses. It is also a good idea to try to spot upcoming trends and new games that could become hits. Some streamers, such as Trynet123, got onto CD Project Red’s Gwent early on, and found great success as the game has risen in popularity.

Have Immaculate Knowledge of Your Chosen Genre

While it can be amusing and entertaining to see someone playing a game badly, most Twitch viewers go onto the platform to learn things they didn’t know before. Ever since the dawn of gaming, people have been accessing cheats and walkthroughs for titles. Streamers on Twitch are the modern version of these guides, and for that reason, they need to have comprehensive knowledge of the games they are playing.

Streamers need to have comprehensive knowledge of the games they are playing

This is why it’s so important to find a niche, stick to it, and master it. If you choose to play Hearthstone, for example, you need to know every card and its ability, while also following news about developments and updates. This allows you to stay a few steps ahead of the other people playing the game and perhaps think of unique tactics that may not have occurred to the masses yet. This kind of thing will give your videos much more value.

Once you’ve got the basics nailed and you start getting followers on Twitch, you need to create a community atmosphere and get people talking. You can also try to bring more people to your Twitch stream by posting videos on YouTube. With perseverance and time, you could have a moneymaking channel.

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