Dan Bilzerian is an American venture capitalist who is also known as the King of Instagram with 32.5 million followers. Besides, Bilzerian is an amateur poker player, he claimed that he was honorably discharged from the US Navy SEALs after his training. Most of his Instagram posts illustrate his luxurious lifestyle.

In the past, some content creators criticized him, with YouTuber Philion calling him the “man-baby” on the platform. His funding comes from the Ignite International Limited company that he founded and works as the CEO. But it turns out that his life is a lie, or at least that’s what’s been claimed recently.
YouTuber reveals Bilzerian’s lies
According to a Bloomberg report in July, Ignite’s former president Curtis Hefferman filed a lawsuit against the firm with allegations that he was fired due to refusing to approve of Bilzerian’s extravagant spendings.

The company’s financial situation has been very good, and in 2019, it got a $1.2 million amount in Paycheck Protection Program Loans from the government. In addition, last year, the firm reported losing $50 million largely due to the extravagant spending habit of Bilzerian.
As of now, Ignite has more liabilities than assets with Dan Bilzerian accused of funneling money from investors to his luxury spending. In the video below, you can watch YouTuber Jamari talk about these problems while questioning Bilzerian’s poker skills.
The infamous King of Instagram has been said to have below-average poker skills and claimed to be a modern version of Casanova with young women. On top of that, his company, Ignite, is basically bankrupt, owing more than $40 million to its investors.
YouTuber Jamari critically called Bilzerian a fraud, saying that his supporters should acknowledge the darker sides of his personalities and his life before worshipping him on social platforms.