The PMIS 2020 is currently underway and the Online Qualifiers stage has just ended yesterday. 256 teams fought each other in the Online Qualifiers stage to pick out the best 48 teams to go the Quarter Finals. The competition was fierce and unfortunately, GodLike has failed to make in further into the tournament despite being one of the best teams in the PMPL South Asia. Not only GodLike but big names like Macros Gaming and 8Bit also failed.

GodLike failed to make it further even though they are one of the best teams at the moment

While this is only a minor set back for team GodLike as they still have to focus for the PUBG Mobile World League anyway, RonaK was affected by this a lot. Since the new roster of Fnatic didn't include RonaK, GodLike invited him to play for them temporarily in the PMIS 2020. This opportunity seemed like a great chance for RonaK to start fresh to get back his confidence.

However, after only 2 matches with team GodLike in the PMIS 2020, they failed to move on to the next stage and RonaK was the one who disappointed the most. It has been a really rough season for him with all the pressure he got from teammates, family, organization, fans. And so RonaK has announced his decision to take a break from PUBG Mobile and Youtube for some time on his Instagram.

RonaK announced his break from PUBG Mobile and Youtube on his Instagram and promise to come back in the future

Ronak is one of the most accomplished and well-known PUBG Mobile in India. In 2019, he won the PMIS 2019 and the PMCO Spring Split India 2019 with team SouL. After he moved to Fnatic with ScoutOP and Owais, they won the PMAS 2019. But since 2020 start, they haven't been able to achieve anything significant while bearing great expectations from everyone. I hope that he will be able to get things together and come back soon.

RonaK won the PMAS 2019 with Fnatic

It is hard to imagine what the man has been going through in the last 6 months. When PUBG Mobile esports grow bigger, there will more opportunity, money, and fame on the line but there also be more pressure and competition. This is an inevitable result that every player will have to deal with or get dropped out.

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