The PUBG Mobile World League 2020 Season Zero is kicking off this July 10 and will last until August 9. PUBG Mobile has just revealed the format and schedule for the tournament. The PMWL Season Zero East will have a total prize pool of $425,000 for participating teams. The tournament will have a total of 4 phases Opening Weekend, League Stage, Super Weekend, The Finals.

The PUBG Mobile World League starts from July 10 to August 9

Opening weekend

A total of 20 teams will be split randomly into 5 groups of 4 teams each. The Opening Weekend of the PMWL Season Zero 2020 starts on July 10 and lasts for 3 days. There will be 5 matches each day and 15 matches in total. The results of the Opening Weekend will be used to split teams into different groups in the League stage.

The list of 20 PUBG Mobile teams who will be in the PUBG Mobile World League 2020 Season Zero East

League stage

Based on the results of teams in the Opening weekend, 20 teams will be split into 5 different groups again with 4 teams in each group. The League stage of the PMWL 2020 East Season Zero lasts for 3 weeks from July 14 to August 2. There are 2 phases in the League stage.

League Weekend

Teams will be playing on Tuesday and Wednesday every week. There will be 5 matches each day and a total of 30 matches in the League Weekend. Teams will be playing in a round-robin format. After the League stage ends, the top 16 teams will proceed to the next round.

Super weekend

In the Super weekend of the PMWL Season Zero 2020, 16 teams will play for 3 days from July 31 to August 2 with 5 matches each day. The points that teams earned in the Super weekend will be counted in the Finals.

The Finals

The winner of the PMWL 2020 Season Zero will get a reward of $100,000

There will be a total of 3 days in the Finals of the PMWL Season Zero 2020. There will be 6 matches each day, making it a total of 18 matches. The winning team will become the champion of the PUBG Mobile World League 2020 Season Zero East and get huge prize money of $100,000.

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