Just like many other games, PUBG Mobile has a special achievement system to keep track of all your medals obtained in-game. In a battle royale game where winning is the most important thing, an acclaimed title and valuable medals are what every player craves.

Despite having a long list of titles, here are the 5 most achievable titles in PUBG Mobile that noob players can easily get their hands on. Keep reading for more details:

The PUBG Mobile profile where medals are shown

Chicken Bucket

One of the first medals that beginners can obtain without any struggle is the Chicken Bucket. There are 5 different levels of the medal and you just need to complete 50 classic matches to reach the highest level.


The next task which does not require any skills is to log in 60 days in a row. By completing the task, players will get the Perseverance medal and receive bonus coins. Please note that you can only get the highest level of the titles for logging in 60 days consecutively. Just miss a single day and you will need to start it from the scratch again.

Evo Tactician

Another simple task which can help you receive medals is to play 200 EvoGround mode matches. Although 200 is not a small number, it’s totally obtainable in a few weeks as you don’t have to be a skillful or pro player to get it. Hard work will pay you off!

Armor Expert

To claim the Armor Expert title, you just need to equip your character with the following items:

  • Military Helmet (Level 2)
  • Backpack (Level 1 to 3)
  • Spetsnaz Helmet (Level 3)
  • Motorcycle Helmet (Level 1)
  • Military Vest (Level.3)
  • Police Vest (Level 1 or 2)

By completing the checklist and playing with the required items, you stand a 100% chance of getting the Armor Expert title.

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Just like the above titles, players won’t need to put extra effort on getting the Well-Liked title. To complete the task, you will need to get 1000 likes from your PUBG Mobile Profile. Just ask your teammates to exchanges likes whenever you have a chance and the title will belong to you after a few weeks.

Above are some of the easiest titles to achieve for newcomers in PUBG Mobile. Visit our website Gurugamer.com for more interesting news about games and entertainment!

Also read: PUBG Mobile Frost Festival: Helpful Tips And Tricks You Need To Know