You can locate the apple location Genshin Impact easily when using the interactive map. Or else, check out this list of all apple locations Genshin Impact players will need.

Uses Of Apple In Genshin Impact

You can use apple to eat and increase HP in Genshin Impact. In addition, it's also a cooking ingredient that you can use to cook many dishes, such as Satisfying Salad and Northern Apple Stew. Consuming this crispy and fragrant fruit helps you restore 300 HP. It tastes delicious when you consume raw or make it into wine.

You can give apples and other ingredients to the merchandise to get Primogems and other rewards.

If you want to make a dish of Satisfying Salad, use 2 apples, 2 cabbages, an egg, and a potato. This 2-star food helps increase the CRIT Rate of all party members by 6-12% for 300 seconds. This salad is easy to make because it only includes fresh fruits and vegetables, boiled eggs, and steamed potato. You need to make 10 perfect dishes to get proficient in cooking this food.

You can also eat raw apples to heal HP when getting hits from enemies in mobs.

Apple is also the main ingredient of the 3-star dish Northern Apple Stew. You need 3 apples, 3 pieces of raw meat, one bar of butter, and a little pepper. This dish helps players restore 30-34% of the maximum HP and 600 - 1,900HP to the chosen character.

Apple is also a cooking ingredient that you can use to cook many dishes, such as Satisfying Salad

The braised meat and apple taste smooth and soft. Moreover, the meat juices will flow out bears traces of apple flavoring when you cut the meat. You can find these ingredients in the wild. However, you need to buy pepper and butter from food shops in Mondstadt and Liyue.

Apple Spawn Locations Genshin Impact

You can find apples in the wild, in two ways: pick them up from apple trees, investigate supply crates around the map. Here are all locations of apples where you can pick up this fruit on the current map.

#1. Stormbearer Mountains

This mountain is in the north of Mondstadt city. The forest in Stormbearer has a lot of cooking ingredients. It's also a famous apple location Genshin ImpactYou can find some apple trees here.

  • There are two apple trees around the Teleport Waypoint in Stormbearer, just above the Statue of Seven in Starfell Lake. You need to go to the north to find an apple tree which is nearly between the Teleport Waypoint and the location of Anemo Hypostasis. Another tree is on the west of this Waypoint.
There are some apple trees around Stormbearer Mountains.
  • From the Statue of Seven in Starfell Lake, you go west to the bank of the Cider Lake. Then, go a bit north and find the apple tree near the bank of Cider Lake.

You can get more than 10 apples when wandering around this mountain. There are three apples on the tree. If you are lucky, you can also collect some apples on the ground around those trees.

There is an apple tree near the bank of Cider Lake around Mondstadt City.

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#2. Guili Plains

There is another apple tree in Guili Plains that is another apple location Genshin Impact. From the Teleport Waypoint in this plain, you head to the North, pass a small bridge crossing a small stream. Then, you can easily see the apple tree right at the three-way crossroad. Three are three apples on the tree and three other fruits on the ground around that tree.

There is another apple tree in Guili Plains.

#3. Qingce Village

There is an altar in the high mountain near the Western Teleport Waypoint. Use the Teleport Waypoint and turn back to head to the top of the mountain. You can find six apples on the altar in Qingce Village. The apple will be respawned every 24 hours.

You can always collect six apples at the Qingce Altar.

#4. Mondstadt

There is no apple store in Genshin Impact to buy this fruit in Mondstadt but you can find an apple tree in front of this city. From the Teleport Waypoint in front of Mondstadt, you go to the northwest to find an apple tree under a mounting cliff to pick up three apples there. Then, you can go to the crossroads at the entrance of Mondstadt. Then, you will see an outdoor kitchen with a traveler name Lynn standing nearby. You can collect an apple near the kitchen.

Those apple trees are often spawned around Teleport Waypoints and Statues of Seven.

#5. Dadaupa Gorge

There is an apple tree in the west f Eagle's Gate domain in Dadaupa Gorge. Then, you break into the Hirichus camp near that location of apple. Then, you can find two other apple trees at the front gate of the camp. Thus, Genshin Impact travelers can collect 9 apples in Dadaupa Gorge in total.

There are many apples on the ground around the apple trees.

#6. Springvale

You can use the Teleport Waypoint in the center of a lake in this valley. Then, you will find an apple tree near the bank of the lake and pick up some apples. Then, go straight to the Northwest and glide when you reach a mountain cliff. Then, drop in the mountain foot and collect some apples in the small abandoned camp of travelers.

Springvale is also a place of apple in Genshin Impact.

#7. Dawn Winery

There is a Statue of Seven in the Dawn Winery. When you teleport there by the statue, look around and find the apple tree nearby. If you are lucky, you can pick up six apples here. It's very easy to spot that apple tree because the apples have a light mark.

you can get apples when breaking wooden crates of Hilichurl.

Moreover, you can get apples when breaking wooden crates of Hilichurl when roaming on the map. Or else, you can clear Hilichurl camps when doing daily commissions to collect foods.

Those are some best places to collect apples in Genshin Impact. Let's find the best apple location Genshin Impact and pick up some fruit to eat or cook delicious food.

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