After over four years on the market, Pearl Abyss today has announced an impressive new sales milestone for their Black Desert franchise.

So far, the title has surpassed the $1 billion lifetime milestone in terms of gross sales. This is such a remarkable achievement for both Black Desert and Pearl Abyss in general. Moreover, the series has been available in 150 different countries around the world, attracted 18 million users in total.
Message from Robin Jung
Regarding such an incredible benchmark, the CEO of Pearl Abyss, Robin Jung couldn’t hide his happiness and appreciation.

Jung deeply expressed his pride towards achievement. It represented sincere dedication and hard work from the whole team in the last four years. He also associated such success with the precious support from the community and fans globally.
Mobiles potential of Black Desert
Jung also pointed out that more than $300K of gross sales came from mobile platforms. The figures rose after being released initially in Asia and the team believed it would continue to accelerate. According to Pearl Abyss and their optimism, the future of Black Desert is bright. They are looking forward to the launch of the mobile version of the game by the end of 2019 on a global scale.

Towards the end of the message, Jung mentioned their plan to bring Black Desert westward and onto mobiles later this year. The title has just come out on Xbox One this March and very soon to other platforms. With that in mind, we’ll be able to see the overall sales to increase even more.
At the moment, you can play the game on both PC and Xbox One if you’re in the west. For more information on potential mobiles arrival of Black Desert, stay with us to know it in advance.